Worst chess opening and how to beat it

Learn how to crush the Albin Countergambit by watching this chess gameplay where I explain the moves you have to know to win against this tricky chess opening.

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  1. Pawn E4 Since Eñ Passant Is Forced. And Queen Captures Queen Check, King Captures And Loses It's Castling Rights

  2. gotta love fettuccine-ing my bishop

  3. Seems like a Catalan variation to me for White

  4. 4:41 is wrong the chess engine clearly indicates that its a blunder

  5. 3:10 “my night is under attack twice” aah yes attack he own piece I mean he is a 1 Elo TOTALLY 1 ELO

  6. dont lie thge worst opening is the damianos defence

  7. I’m almost the exact same rating as this guy but for some reason his thoughts seem so much more competent than mine.

  8. how is there so much books

  9. lets be honest the worst ever chess opening is the one where you put 4 pawns in he center

  10. 1:30 slide the knight and ride it… they gonna pin you BLUNNDER! big mistake i take b4!

  11. What happened to your Fortnite videos? I really liked them

  12. Bobby is so good that he saw the mate in 11

  13. “You have to know this…”

  14. Just played against the Albin. I used your tipps and my opponent resigned. Followed you for that

  15. Damiano defense is worse. But this is also bad

  16. Fettuccine ur bishop💀💀

  17. i think you had a brilliant combonation at 2:37. b6 discovered check Bd7 (or Qd7 it dosent matter) Qxa7!!!! brilliant queen sac. they have to take because there rook is trapped, Rxa7 bxa7 and they cant stop you makeing a new queen

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