Win your opponent’s queen in just 6 moves using this chess trap!


  1. Bro that,s the Intorcontel balistic missel gambit !!

  2. This trap also could be found in Tennison Gambit as white.

  3. Bro played intercontinental ballistic missile gambit as black πŸ’€

  4. Everybody Gangster until opponent doesn't plays the very common move πŸ—Ώ

  5. π†πŒ ππ‹π€π˜π„π‘π’ π–πˆπ“π‡ 𝐍𝐎 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍 πŸ—Ώ

  6. If your color i white its called intercontinitial balistic missile

  7. It can also happen on the white side. It just has a different name…*SCROLL TO THE END OF THE COMMENT. THE LAST FIVE WORDS IS THE NAME. GOOD LUCK.*

    Hey, what are you doing here?

    Stop it.

    Oh, so you want to press β€œRead less” β€˜r8? I’m gonna stop you because I’m REALLY bored! >:)

    Hey! Want a joke? Why did the chicken cross the roa- STOP IT 686. THIS IS A MISTAKE why YOU WILL FIND OUT SOON. oh boy…you are funny 🀣 YOULL REGRET IT 8!1C4. yo no swearing, dude WHATEVER…

    The intercontinental ballistic missile gambit

  8. Beautifull chess set! Where may i buy?

  9. Thank you so much πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  10. Black's move is kg4 if white move his pone e3 so what happened

  11. This is the intercontinental ballistic missile gambit as black

  12. Thank u so much I managed to reach 100 elo with this opening

  13. Intercontinental ballistic missile gambit

  14. Now I should ask my opponent to watch this video

  15. Intercontinental ballistic missile gambit for black

  16. Intercontinental Ballistic middle but for black

  17. This is just the icbm gambit but with black😊

  18. The intercontinental ballistic mission gambit πŸ’£πŸ’£

  19. I saw this on top chess but this is black version Lol

  20. The king can't capture bishop because it will be check from queenπŸ˜‚

  21. In top chess army
    Inter continental ballistic missile gambit

  22. Bro this is interconstial ballistic missel gambit

  23. Your opponent 🀑
    My opponent πŸ’€

    My Opponent which is the 10% of the players*

  25. Wait this trick only works till 1250 elo

  26. Those who are wondering the trap name it is inter-con-ti-nental-blastic-missile
    I broke it's spelling so it is easier for you to read it thank u

  27. But the fact is no one knows whats the 1st move that opponent will make πŸ˜’πŸ˜…

  28. Bro the free things u gave ur opponent worth a queen alr

    It's like exchanging queens

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