Two Knights Defense Traps: Chess Opening Tricks to Win Fast |Best Checkmate Moves, Strategy & Ideas

Here are some amazing Chess Opening Tricks & Traps to Win Fast in the Two Knights Defense variation. I also have an interesting Chess Puzzle for you at the end of this video. Let’s see if you can solve that.

As you know, openings are the most exciting phase in the game of chess. There are various chess opening tricks, strategies, moves and ideas that you can use to win more games. In this video, I will show you all the Traps in the 2 Knights Defense Chess Opening Variation. It is also called the Two Knights Defense Trap. I will share with you some amazing variations to fool your opponent & checkmate him in the first few moves. These secret tricks will help you in winning chess games against your friends & other players who have not seen such traps before.

If you have any questions, feel free to post them in the comments below. I will be happy to answer & help you out.

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Also, Check out my previous chess videos:
Fried Liver Attack: Secret Chess Opening TRICK to Win Fast:
Blackburne Shilling Gambit: Secret Chess Opening Trick & Puzzle:
Budapest Gambit Traps: Secret Chess Opening Trick & Puzzle:
Halosar Trap: Chess Opening TRICK to WIN Games Fast:
Chess Opening Tricks & Traps in Queen’s Gambit Accepted:
Siberian Trap: Chess Opening TRICK to WIN Games Fast:
Stafford Gambit: Chess Opening TRICK to WIN Games Fast:
Fishing Pole Trap: Chess Opening TRICK to WIN Games Fast:
Legal’s Mate Trap: Secret Chess Opening TRICK to Win Fast:
How to Checkmate with 2 Bishops & a King:
Lasker Trap: Secret Chess Opening TRICK to Win Fast:
Poison Pawn Trap: Chess Opening Trick to Win Fast:
Tennison Gambit: 4 Secret Tricks to WIN FAST:
#ChessTalk #JeetendraAdvani


  1. White pawn to 5g I think. But I am not sure. I told that to checkmate black. I am just 9 years old. But am better than I should be in chess right now in my age. I am just developing my self right now in chess. I bet my friends like a beast in chess. I learnt chess when I was 7 years old. I bet my friends like 1265 times. Thanks for you tricks and traps.

  2. Subscribe to your YouTube channel to be a better chess player.

  3. I really like this video. But one thing I would like to mention is that after 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Ng5 d5 5.exd5 Nd4 6.c3 I have no idea about 6…Nf5 (it might be a playable move but I don't know). However, as far as my opening analysis says, the best move is 6…b5 and white must LITERALLY play all critical moves to survive. After b5, the only playable move for white is 7.Bf1 Nxd5 8.cxd4 Qxg5 9.Bxb5+ Kd8 10.O-O Bb7 11.Qf3 Rb8 12.dxe5 Ne3!! If 13.Qxe3?? Qxg2# and if 13.Qh3 Qxg2+ 14.Qxg2 Nxg2 and despite white being a pawn up, the position is practically playable for black

  4. We have,
    G5+ ,
    Kh5 only safe square ,
    Ra5 ,
    Whatever move he play to save his bishop we have G6 and that is a discover chech by rook and now we can take his pawn and win this game easily

  5. Exactly 7 months ago, I won a tournament using this trick 🙂 tomorrow, i have another tournament and i'm revising :DD thnak you jeetu sir :))

  6. The answer of the puzzle is pawn g4

  7. g5 check king h5 then you can take the pawn with rook check king g4 e6 will save the rook h8 when king atacks and promotes to a queen and take the bishop with a rook or king then whie will do rook mate…

  8. The best move is to move the pine to G5 so he has to move his 👑 to H5 then you can capture his pone then get your pone to the end and get your queen

  9. white plays g5 check. King h5 is forced. Rook a5 and the bishop is gone.

  10. 1. Pawn to g5, black has to move his king to h5.
    2. Rook to h7 capturing the pawn, check to the black king
    3. Then, just simple pawn to queen conversion and easy King-Queen checkmate or Rook-Queen checkmate

    Hope this is the correct answer!
    I like how Mr. Jeetendra Advani teaches all the variations in a single opening or gambit

  11. rook a5 black plays bishop to e8 does not matter because rook h5 check bishop takes rook g5 is a checkmate.

  12. If white are fast than B4+.KA4.R text A2+.KB5.B3.BE6.RC2.R text B3.K text BB3.KB6.RC4.KB5.kc4.KA6.KC5.kA7.kc6.kA6 .and RA4

  13. Rook to A2 preventing white from attacking pawn with his bishop.
    Then whatever move white plays rook to H2 is a beautiful checkmate

  14. The solution is
    1) Rook to g7 and
    2) pawn to g5
    It's a beautiful checkmate

  15. Rock to a5 so black need to move his bishep then pawn to g5 ,king need to move to h5 then pawn to g6 checkmate so king has to move and now we can move pawn to h7 by capturing the pawn and now we can easily pawn promote to queen and easily win the match

  16. Although I am novice player but something about this really bothers me. Yes we did get his queen but can you imagine how many valuable pieces we just lost for this. Plus look at our king! My opponent still has all his minor pieces, and using all of them he may come up with a way to trap my queen. Still I have huge respect for this guy.

  17. G5+,K h5 only left square,then R h7+,king goes back ,move the pawn to last rank, become a queen and just check mate black☠️☠️💯💯💯

  18. Ra5,Be8,pawn push, Kh5,pawn push, Kh6,Rh5,Kh5,pawn take pawn, and black play any move then promote pawn into Queen and win easily

  19. The best move is g5+ and then we can play Ra5 pinning and winning the Bishop and later on we can promote the pawn on g5 easily so white is completely winning

  20. I the above puzzle the best move would be Ra5 after which black will play Be8to avoid check mate in h5 square,but white will move the Rook to h5 anyhow to give check and then the only move for black is Bxh5 but now g5 is the winning move for white

  21. puzzle: it's white's turn so we simply push our g4 pawn and gives check to black king , black king has only one square left which is h5, so after h5 we can simply took up black's h7 pawn by rook and gives check again . And this is the big advantage for white , white can simply push his pawn and convert it into a queen. One bishop can not do anything without any support so white has simply won

  22. Isn’t pawn a5 checkmate? If not can someone please explain why everyone is saying Ra5?

  23. Move pawn to G5, check … black king can only move to H5, then castle takes pawn, check … after that it will be easy for white pawn to get promoted, and at the very least black will need to sacrifice bishop to prevent this

  24. You all wrong because the Bishop has chance move to e8 if the white rook move to h5 . The Bishop can attack the rook

  25. Why wouldn’t white capture the pawn on D5 using the bishop instead?..

  26. Puzzla:Rook to a5 and black is in Zugzwang his only legal moves are to move the bishop he moves to e8 to prevent mathe but we play rook to h5 and after bishop takes g5 is simply a checkmate

  27. Rook to a5 then pawn to g5 is a beautifully smothered checkmate


  29. Been watching many chess tutorials last month this is by far the best theacher I've come across thanks man ur appreciated

  30. the greatest move white ( according to the puzzle is Rook to a5 because the Bishop is the only piece which is most active for the Black… 🖤✴

  31. For solution I would say:
    g5+ Kh5 (only option)
    Rxh7+ Kg4 (only option)
    To prevent captureing our rook:
    Rh8 Bd3
    g6 Bxg6
    Kxg6 Kf3 (or f4)
    And now starts the slow cornering with the Rook and King until it is a beatiful checkmate.
    At the point he lost the pawn he had no chance for winning so probably he will sacrifie the Bishop to prevent promotion. And blacks only hope is a repetative move stalemate.
    If black don't sacrifice at g6 then Oawn goes forward and promotes in the defense of the Rook. If black takes Queen Rokk takes Bishop and again Rook+King Checkmate. If black still not sacrifice Bishop, White gets an ultimate upper hand and wins easily.

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