two knights defense and knights attack in Tamil,chess openings in Tamil,Italian game in Tamil

#Italian #Opening #Tamil #twoKnightsdefense

Watch This video to understand the Common ideas of Two knights defense arises out of Italian game and as black how to defend against the Ng5 main variations. I covered sidelines as well as Mainlines.
1. Ulvestad Variation
2. Fritz Variation
3. Polerio defense Main Lines (Bishop Check Line)
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Previous Italian Game Videos
1. The Italian Game Intro and other Variations:
2. The Giuoco Piano Main theory:

Previous Ruy Lopez Videos in Tamil

1.Ruy Lopez General ideas and other Variations Intro:

2.Berlin Defense Variation in Tamil:

3.Breyer Variation of Ruy Lopez in Tamil:

4. Chigorin Defense:

5.Learn the Marshall attack or Marshall gambit in Tamil here:

6. Exchange Ruy Lopez in Tamil:

Chess Traps in Ruy Lopez:

1.Fishing Pole Trap in Tamil:

2.Noah’s Ark Trap in Tamil:

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