TRICKY & Powerful Chess Opening for Black [Works Against 1.e4 & 1.d4]

GM Igor Smirnov’s B’day Special
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🔹 TRICKY Chess Opening for Black Against 1.d4 [Unstoppable Attack] –

In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov shares with you a simple, universal, and aggressive chess opening for Black which you can play against virtually any first move of White. It happens after the first moves 1.e4 Nc6 2.d4 e5 3.d5 Ne7, which is known as the Kennedy, Linksspringer Variation from the Nimzowitsch Defense.

Although it may seem like White has a good position because of the strong central pawns, it is Black who gets to create a quick and devastating attack on the kingside. In fact, in the most played variation White loses in just 7 moves!

► Chapters

00:00 Aggressive & Universal Chess Opening for Black
00:40 Black’s main plan in this opening
01:17 Stats: 7-move win in most common variation
04:34 Transposition from 1.d4
05:27 Line-2: If White plays 7.Nf3 instead of 7.Nge2
05:46 Play the prophylactic move a5
06:42 Middlegame attacking plan for Black
08:53 GM Igor Smirnov Birthday Special
10:00 FAQ-1: What if White doesn’t play 2.d4?
10:42 FAQ-2: What if White plays 3.dxe5?
11:16 FAQ-3: What if White plays 2.d5?
11:36 FAQ-4: What if White plays 2.Nf3?

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#GMSmirnov #ChessOpenings #ChessOpening


  1. Love the videos! Curiosly, why didn't you show the most common London System variation 2.Bf4 instead? What's Black 🎉follow up to that?

  2. What's about Bishop e3 for White after Ng6? Greetings frommen Hamburg/ Germany Holger

  3. The line e4 nc6 d4 e5 ne7 f4 ng6 f5 is really interesting for black

  4. Many Happy Returns of the day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

  5. Omg Igor I swear I started playing the nimzowitsch defense on my own. So far I’m like 50/50 with it. I’m so happy that you did a video on it. Now I will study from you. Igor please if it no trouble to you make a video on how to play the Catalan. Thanks again for all you help.

  6. I like your passion for trapping the opponent.

  7. Happy birthday gm ur video very useful thank you ganesh seychelles

  8. I’ve learned so much from you, Igor! Thank you so much for sharing your masterful knowledge of chess. Plus I really like the sound of your accent. It gives you an air of authenticity!😊

  9. Happy Birthday GM …. Watching your videos from Bangladesh

  10. Happy Birthday GM …. Watching your videos from Bangladesh

  11. Please go over the Scandinavian variation of the Nimzowitsch defense in case you see this post. Thanks.

  12. Well this opening rocks, but until i refined my middle and endgame i was losing most games. Giant lesson, doesnt matter how much opening theory you know, you have to practice your other skills as a beginner. Openings arent good unless you know how to follow them up 😂 im up 188 ELO this month in rapid.

  13. I became a young cm thank you so much!

  14. Happy birthday. Your way of explaining the strategy and logic of the topic is always clear and well-structured. I wish you much success with your channel.

  15. Great lessons and games. I watch quite a bit of chess channels. You have grown and become much more comfortable in front of the camera and give very a clear analysis of the games. Happy Birthday!

  16. Nice vid, should work great in blitz, let white have have center, lock the position and open a hard to stop attack. Bound to catch opponents, they go from thinking they got it to defending mate in just a few moves nice.

  17. Happy birthday! Thank you for this channel.

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