TRICKY Chess Opening for Black Against 1.d4 [Unstoppable Attack]

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🔹 Chess Opening: Englund Gambit 1.d4 e5 | Traps and Ideas –

In this video lesson, we will explore an aggressive chess opening for Black against the White’s first move 1.d4. If you are playing 1.d4 yourself as White or if you are looking for an aggressive way to counter 1.d4 as Black, then you are going to love this!

GM Igor Smirnov shares with you the Englund Gambit, which happens after the first moves 1.d4 e5. Black’s idea is to avoid the traditional closed queen’s pawn games and create an open game with tactical chances, but at the cost of a pawn.

This will be a surprise for your opponents who play 1.d4 looking for a more positional game with strategic ideas. In this video lesson, you will learn the Blackburne–Hartlaub Gambit, which happens after 2.dxe5 d6, aiming for quick development after 3.exd6 Bxd6.

► Chapters

00:00 Aggressive Chess Opening for Black Against 1.d4
00:21 Englund Gambit 1.d4 e5: Why?
01:49 2…d6 – Blackburne-Hartlaub Gambit
03:46 White loses their Queen: Can you find it?
04:34 Black’s Winning Attack on Kingside
07:06 Line-2: If White plays 6.Bg5
09:05 Tip: How to find Attacking Moves
09:50 Line-3: If White plays 3.Nf3, not 3.exd6
11:55 Thank you for your support!

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#GMSmirnov #ChessOpenings #ChessGambit


  1. On 11:27, what if the white pawn keeps moving on to the C7 and blocks the castle too?

  2. What if black don't take the pawn at d6. Instead they support the knight at f3 by developing the other knight to d2

  3. Cheers sir! Ty for the site and I’m finding you’re input and classes very helpful and entertaining.

  4. hello igor,

    I love the work you do, I watch all your videos.
    I find your ideas on openings and gambits very interesting, dust off the beginnings of the game.
    and I think we really need it, for the sake of the game of chess.

    but I have a problem if white plays the best moves to find counterplay.
    what would be your plan if black after 1-d4; e4 2-dxe4; 3-d6 3-Nf3?
    4-Nc6; Bg5?
    in advance thank you very much for your help


  5. One question, if 1. d4 e5 2. dxe5 d6 3. exd6 Bxd6 and now 4.Nc3 to attack the bishop with Nb5 or Ne4 , that plan is over , and then what do we play ? Whites with 4.Nc3 no problems, thanks for your videos.

  6. If our opponent plays Nf6 on move 4, what prediction?

  7. After seeing the video I did this and, while it wasn't as he describes here, it worked well, although White castled queenside too

  8. I've been playing for 55yrs! And achieved moderate success.[?] Highest [?] level 1652elo, in tornaments. The only sure wins I've had is against 'coffee house hams' with relative ease. But I've always wondered why l couldn't REALLY progress. You've explained that I've 'learned' FAR too many facts, theories, details; and l didn't realize l was forgetting basic opening principles; [which you PREACH!] Well since stumbling into your channel I'm now crushing ALL the bigwigs at the local sat a.m. McDonald's blitzes! They are simply amazed at how l continually wipe them off the board when they play e4. The only success they've had is w d4. Now I've got that covered also. I feel obligated to you to at least take you master class now. For the 1st time in my life; I'm certain l can attain perhaps a strong expert[2100-2150] I'd l never make master, that's ok. A strong expert will put me in a VERY good place! PLUS l love how you're not full of yourself like many FAR below you are. You are a GODSEND. I WILL be taking your course in about 2-3 mo's soon as l get my dough together! Thanks again 'Sifu' [Chinese term for 'Most wise one'
    Harry Carter.

  9. Too easy. Bishop to H2, king is in check and discovered attack on the white queen with your rook.

  10. What if when black plays qe7 white plays kd5 attacking the queen

  11. When I play g4 or b4 to attack the knight. My opponent always play h3 or a3 pawn to attack me. However I never see this change in the videos.

  12. Why invest a tempo in exchanging the extra e pawn. 3. e4 should be fine. Ches is not "Black to Play to Win."

  13. Thank you so much for this video. I've been looking for a way to avoid typical D4 openings like the Queens Gambit or the London without needing to go for the dubious Englund Gambit like you mentioned. I'm sure the engine won't like this opening but the same can be said for like 95% of gambits lol.

  14. Love your channel and appreciate all the hard work! Keep it up, much love from the US!

  15. I suspect in most of explanations we ignored the white knight possibility to go d4 after black qween goes e2. The white knight is in the center, threatens the black qween and cannot be pushed away easily – the black knight blocks the black c pond and the white c pond can support d4 knight easily. ?

  16. Perche' fare questo stupido video? E' evidente che per vincere il Nero, Il bianco deve giocare male.

  17. Hey Igor, great video and excellent job explaining the lines. Just one very early counter that I figured..
    After 1. d4 e4 2. dxe4 d6 3. exd6 bxd6 … What if white plays 4. Nc3 .. as after this if black continues ..Nc6, white has this annoying refutation 5. Nb5! It will either force exchanging the strong dark squared bishop and a weak isolated pawn on d6 .. completely refuting plans of castling queen side and attacking whites king side.


  18. White loses queen when castling. Bxh2+ and when he takes our rook's file is opened and then we take the queen

  19. What happens nb5 sir bishop out to bg4 after move because d6 square is week

  20. White Knight D5 is all over this early chasing the queen

  21. What do you recommend after knight to D5 attacking the queen? Early from C3..

  22. What if after 1. d4 e5 2. dxe5 d6 White plays 3. Bf4?

  23. it's easy to win from your opponent when you make the worst moves for him.

  24. Thanks bro you are a great coach. Just improved my game with black .Thank you

  25. Hmmmmmmmmmm idk I’m gonna ask someone if this opening is good

  26. My problem is if the whites decides not to take your pawn on D4 and instead choose to March forward. I always get into trouble if they do that

  27. Good chess lesson for novice players like myself . I have played a lot of chess but never really improved . The reason was that I had no strategic planning . It was always just tactics . Not any more . Thankyou Igor

  28. Can you also teach how to play as white against the black's e5 opening?

  29. But after queen E7, white can play play knight to D5?

  30. If they castle you can play Bxh2+ then they will take h2 then we take the queen.

  31. Can we force an attack if white plays 3. e4 and says "you want me to take the queens off?"

  32. Igor, you are a genius. I have been stuck around 890-900 for a long time. Like a really long time. With this and your other videos, I have leaped to 942 pretty quickly and believe that I can get to my goal of 1000 in the future. Thank you so much!

  33. I struggled a lot, as black, on this opening! Thanks a lot! 🤗

  34. Thank you for your great video!!
    i have been missing your videos
    great to see that your back!!
    white loses their queen because there comes a move Bxh2😯😲😭😭 checking the king and attacking the queen with the rook on d1!!

  35. How do you respond to Bb5 at 3:48? They often play this variation and I don't know how to respond without getting a terrible pawn structure when they trade on c6.

  36. thanks a lot for this video. But what if white doesn't accept the gambit and doesn't take the poin on d6 and play Kf3 for example its very diificult to have a good game.

  37. GM Igor Smirnov, after I played bishop G4 my opponent played pawn H3 … I ended up winning but that response was a good one.

  38. 4:21
    I respond with Bxh2+ (Kxh2/Kh1) followed by Rxd1(black is a queen up ahead in development and can easily create a winning attack)

  39. Me looking for an opening vs d4: me realizing my best bet is to just englund gambit them🥴 I know this line well but I think I'll stick to some solid chess against d4 😂 I usually go for an early queen trap though theres a surprising amount of ways to actually play the englund

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