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If you want to have a “simple to learn” chess opening that can give you a win as early as move 8, and also surprise your opponent by playing it, you’re going to love this.
In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov will show you one of the most underrated chess openings that will help you beat even stronger opponents.
The opening is called the Colle System, also known as the Colle–Koltanowski System, which is a variation of the Queen’s Pawn Game and is characterised by a systematic development of White’s minor pieces to support a quick pawn move to the e4-square.
A lot of the chess players underestimate this system and none of the top GMs play it because it looks slightly passive. However, in reality, this opening has great potential with plenty of hidden attacking opportunities that almost no chess player is aware of.
► Chapters
00:00 Chess opening to WIN in 8 moves
00:25 Happy New Year 2022!
01:39 Colle System: Do NOT underestimate
03:46 Evil trap humans almost can’t see
05:22 Tactical pattern: sacrifice on h7
07:45 Kingside Attack: The rook lift
10:03 Bring your queen to the attack
12:26 Can you find the best move?
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What if black doesn't casle
Hi GM Smirnov, thanks for this. The way I have been thinking about the Colle is as an upgraded London. I think the Fianchetto gives it a little more power and flexibility and addresses some of the drawbacks of the London. Namely that weak b2 square…I do realize it is not often played at the higher levels, I see the London more often. People forget that the purpose of these White systems is to get into a Middlegame without falling into traps, tricks, gambits that Black can do to equalize. I don't mind showing this to the kids, there is nothing that can turn someone off to chess more than getting checkmated quickly. For a kid this could be very discouraging. People disparage these systems, but if you want to castle and not really lose any pieces, they actually work. If a player is flexible with the move order and still paying attention to what Black is doing, these are still very playable. I'm thinking for those under or near 1000 Elo, this is a great option.
It's definitely not underrated.
Igor, Without using a pc program I have analysed the position at the end of your video where you say "Can white still play Bg5 after blacks move Rd8?" I think no. After Bg5 Black can play Bf8 and the Queen is trapped. Now if White continues the attack with BxN, Black plays BxQ followed by white's RxB. We see here after a long look at the board, should black play Qf4 attacking rook and Bishop and stopping Ng5 and so now forces white to play Bg5 sending the queen back to c7, or should black play Rd5 threatening RxN on g5? ruining all of whites threats. But what if White defends the Knight with h4? After RxN pxN and there is now a possibility white could double the rooks on the h file and mate black on h8.!! or chase it to d7 with multiple threats of winning material and the game on blacks Queenside. Black could send the Queen to f4 after white takes the rook with h4 pawn and the queen tries to to get to e2 square threatening the Bishop on d3, but white stops that with R(a)- e1 and after Qd2 White just plays Re3 protecting the Bishop and ready to connect rooks on h3. Black must play e5 so the Bishop can stop whites Rh3. white cannot connect rooks on h3 and white takes the e pawn.. What does black do? maybe Be6? but either way Bishop is saving the mate after Rxh7 Kxh7 and Rook to h3 ch and then h8 mate. Black now can develop the Rook to c8 but is this enough? I think so, yes. Because before white can formulate a plan of Rh5 and h4 to block the Bishop from the h3 square, Black is threatening Rc1ch and a mate. So all in all I think White would have to play g3 so if Rc1ch , Kh2 Qxb2 and white is safe yes, but is in danger of the connected black pawns coming down the board.
I really like the zukertort opening but what if black fianchetto his dark squared bishop in 3rd or 4th moves after we play e3? Since we block our dark squared bishop with the pawn, i generally have a problem in that kind of situation. And also our valuable light's squared bishop's diagonal is closed in that way. What should be our response?
Finally hit 1100 in rapid! Thank you Igor, you’ve helped me tremendously! I feel like I’ve been stuck in a rut for years and you’ve helped me think differently about my game. I appreciate your lessons & methods so much
► Chapters
00:00 Chess opening to WIN in 8 moves
00:25 Happy New Year 2022!
01:39 Colle System: Do NOT underestimate
03:46 Evil trap humans almost can't see
05:22 Tactical pattern: sacrifice on h7
07:45 Kingside Attack: The rook lift
10:03 Bring your queen to the attack
12:26 Can you find the best move?
First cmnt
Thank you.
Happy New Year 🙂
From Thumbnail, I thought it was London😂
Happy new year sir
What if black develops his light square bishop to g4 before playing e6 .. thanks 🌹🌹🌹 . Happy new year ..
A Lot of Blessings for You and Family for 2022!! Thanks You for the excelent work !!👍💯🙌🌞🌴🌴😎
Happy New Year to all of us!
More best chess games/career to come
Happy New Year! Pallister says 8. Re1 – e5! is the refutation of this line. What do you think?
If black play Rd8 then after that Bf8 then queen 👑 will be gone 🤣
Happy new year ❤️ sir
THANK YOU for teaching me!
White 25. Bf5 to get rid of the Knight on f6 which protects g7 for the queen is ok. If Black 25.-,Nh5 to break connection between Black Q and R. Then 26.Bxd8, Qxd8 and 27. Ng5 with threat Qh7#. Only chance to avoid that Black moves Qxg5 then white Qxg5 – Black has lost its Queen / regards Joachim + A healthy and happy new year.
Dear GM Igor Smirnov: How can we get information about the right solution?
Black can interpose the knight between the queen rook battery in the mating pattern thus delaying the inevitable , you actually misplaced the knight showing this toward the end of the video,
It looks almost like a London, and the attack pattern I think is called the Greek sacrifice (from 5:22).
On the Question I'd say yes, because you are at most two moves from a forcing mate sequence depending on what black does, and any real threat from black is more moves away. Maybe my calculations are off but that's how it seems to me.
I guess, the best move for black in the last position is "Bf8"
12:40 After Rd8, Bg5 is still a good move but I think black can defend by playing Be7. Then after Bxf6 Bxf6 Qxh7+ Kf8, white can't play Qh8 due to the bishop on f6 which also attacks the white rook on h4.
Thank you for the video, it was very informative and I’m definitely going to add this to my opening repertoire! To answer the question at the end, no you can’t play Bg5 because black can play Bf8 and trap your queen.
I first learned about the Colle System when I was in high school (early 1970s) from Irving Chernev's little classic, "Logical Chess, Move by Move." I've used it since then with varying success.
Bg5 is a blunder due to Bf8, trapping the white queen.
Looking forward to trying this out for a bit of fun to get away from my usual repertoire. Thank you and happy new year!
1000 to 1282 with your teaching spaciba
Happy new year sir.
Sorry for the late wish
Black can bring his dark bishop to f8 threatening the white Q, but before he gets the chance to do that, White can remove the Knight on f6, then irregardless of Bf8 threatening the white Q, White can mate next move with Qxh7 – Black doesn't have enough time to change the outcome.
Glad to see thine cat again 🙂
Bishop f8 traps the queen
why doesnt the pawn on c4 attack the bishop on d3?
Thank you
Thank you
How can i avail your promo package?
Thanks, happy new year
Bf8 traps the 👑
Yeah, after 15. ……. Rd8, white cannot play 16. Bg5 because white will then lose the queen after black plays Bf8. So it looks like white has to retreat the queen or Rh3 to make moving room for the queen.
If black moves the c pawn aggresively to c4, attacking the bishop, how should we respond?
thank you for teaching in my learning style! Best youtube chess education right here in my view
thanks for this video, although it looks very similar to the stone wall opening.
Bf8 and the white queen is dead