The Fried Liver Attack In 1 Minute


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  1. Your wrong and right as you forgot about the enemy queen, its not a loss but there are heavy losses, which from what Ive checked will end up resulting in a mate but if anyone else has a way out of it let me know

  2. King will just move to e7, fried liver is really just for the noobs

  3. Actually it's not a mate
    After the last move the black queen could take your bishop and after that, the white queen takes the black queen .Thus ,the checkmate is after 2 moves.

  4. Why can't the opponent just play knight F3 after the queen checks the king?

  5. I can never play chess, because there's always someone who's memorised moves like this, and when I move one piece, they go "Ah, I see you're playing the Frenchman's Handkerchief strategy, and I will have mate in 4 moves!". WTF am I supposed to do in response? They could be bullshitting me, but after this video, I doubt it.

  6. Hold up could the queen not kill the bosip at the end or am I dumb

  7. Can’t the opponent just take out your knight on g5 with queen?

  8. Why cant the queen move. There are orher oprions as well.

  9. How is that a mate? Black queen can take the bishop..

    ..Oh right the other queen

  10. I've played that but never knew it had a name. Cool, I will now fry your livers 🍳

  11. blackburn shilling kills this… even a sharp well played anti-fried liver defense

  12. This has worked from me but after I take with pawn I have had opponents move the knight and attack my bishop and it prevents this line from happening as far as I can see

  13. time to use this in an actual game
    me: e4
    opponent: a6

  14. Dude, opponents queen can hit your bishop😐😐

  15. It’s not a mate the queen can take the bishop😂

  16. Couldn’t the queen just take the bishop

  17. I'm new to chess but can't the queen take out the bishop?

  18. So this is the fried liver attack
    liver king resigns

  19. I played like 50 games with white and my opponent never did that.

  20. My son's an I learn something new every time we watch your programs. Thanks . Lex interview was awesome. Good luck.

  21. I usually play this and sometimes I have to face the traxler from the opponent but at my elo my opponents just know the two moves of the traxler and end up losing a room and a knight..

  22. looks at the pawn on h7 uhhh

    Edit: oh wait nevermind I analyzed it. I'm dumb ignore my stupid comment

  23. i played it without knowing the opening, i simply figure out this strategy after many games

  24. But does it taste as good as actual fried liver?

  25. That isn't maye… bout the black queen. Am I the only one that sees that

  26. the ending is not a mate because you can take the piece, but then the queen mates.

  27. I thought fried liver is the counter you play when they start with that opening. How is that called where you punish them for it?

  28. black simply takes the e4 pawn with their knight, if white goes ahead with the queen/rook fork, black brings queen out to f3, if white takes the rook, black has checkmate, if not white is doing well positionally. If white decides not to fork, amd instead takes blacks knight on e4, white pushes queens pawn forward two, forking bishop and knight.

  29. Luv all your Chess know how it speaks beyond language!

  30. When the king hides in g8, it's classier to take with queen.

  31. Doesnt black queen take your bishop to get out of check?

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