Jonathan Schrantz summons the new R.O.G. 5000 to select the perfect opening to cover. See two Nakamura games with a win for each side.
Wesley So vs Hikaru Nakamura, Sinquefield Cup (2015): E99 King’s Indian, orthodox, Aronin-Taimanov, main line
Levon Aronian vs Hikaru Nakamura, World Team Championship (2010): E98 King’s Indian, orthodox, Aronin-Taimanov, 9.Ne1
Can someone please explain to this fine gentleman what a microphone does?
I just love the way Jonathan get "SUSPECT" openings inside the R.O.G. and how he moves the stuff around the box. His unique style makes chess not only interesting but also really funny XD
"Random Openings Generator" xDDD hilarious! Took me completely by surprise!!
Video starts at 5:05
3:50 suspect flowers are suspicous – even more suspicous than suspect openings
Love these lectures. Najdorf soon?
team scandi
more R.O.G
lovely lecture again. Would love to see the ROG5000 spit out the Nimzo Indian or Bogo Indian in the near future.
The intro is hilarious, keep up the good work
Starting was epic and fun.I like it 🙂
He's no Ben Finegold – but still a lot of fun
Just get on with it…
Great lecture, though it's better when prepared.
use the ROG to select next week opening, so you can prepare the lecture.
good lectures! Explaining the ideas behind openings is excellent. I prefer this over super in-depth analysis of superGM games.
learning strategic concepts > seeing monster calculation
I used to play the Kings Indian Defense against d4 openings, but then I learned the Dutch Defense. If you know the French and Dutch Defense theory, after 1) d4.. you can simply play 1.) ..e6. No matter what your opponent plays next, you will transpose into French or Dutch lines. If your opponent plays 2) e4.. you get to play 2) ..d5, entering the French Defense. If your opponent plays 2) c4, Nf3, Nc3, e3, or g3.. then you can play 2).. f5, entering the Dutch Defense. The Dutch is better than the KID, in my opinion, because you get your F pawn to f5 quicker, safer, and without any loss of tempo.
the reboot joke got a chuckle out of me 🙂
I'd like to see a scandinavian opening that turns out to be solid
Im anti rog cause this is my favorite opening and you kinda butchered it
anti-rog. i prefer better preparation
I vote for Najdorf!
Was voting for the King's Indian. The ROG heard me 🙂 and you showed some gorgeous games. Definitely playing this against that pesky d4 opening.
Schrantz, you are quickly becoming a must watch lecturer for me, thank you for looking at our comments on Youtube.
I like the ROG, but maybe not every week, maybe once or twice a month?
A great defense, at least he's not praising the commie from Brooklyn, Colonel Sanders!
Need a Sicilian Najdorf video next.
id like to see a slav defence or maybe the queens indian next time