The BEST Chess Opening TRAP Against 1.e4

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In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov will be sharing with you how you can win the majority of your games when you are playing Black. This happens after the White’s first move 1.e4, which is the most-commonly played opening move.

The opening variation I’m showing in this video happens in the Two Knights Defense, which happens after the following moves: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6. And when your opponent tries to attack you with 4.Ng5, you can set a really tricky trap by playing 4…Nxe4, which is called the Ponziani-Steinitz Gambit.

It may seem like you are just giving away the game, because White can grab your knight with 5.Nxe4, or play 5.Nxf7 delivering a fork, or take the f7-pawn with their bishop giving a check to your king.

BUT, White loses in almost all of the lines when they play the most natural moves in this trap. Most of your opponents are probably unaware of this trap and this gives you a great edge over them!

► Chapters

00:00 Win as Black against 1.e4
00:21 Two Knights Defense
00:39 Weird trap?!
02:13 Do you the name of this gambit?
02:58 Evil laugh, crazy sacrifice!
04:48 Recap of the line
06:36 White’s most common reply
08:13 Final line: Bxf7+
10:25 Novelty move
11:23 Black destroys White 

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