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🔹 The Best Chess Opening against 1…e5 | Scotch Gambit Traps –
🔹 The Unbeatable Bishop’s Opening (simple and powerful) –
We all love to surprise our opponents early in the game with an unfamiliar opening attack. In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov shares one such opening variation that has a lot of hidden ideas and powerful attacking opportunities.
It happens in the Italian Gambit from Giuoco Piano which happens after the opening moves 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.d4. This variation is going to shock your opponents and will get you a lot of victories as all the most natural moves for Black falls into deadly traps.
Best of all, GM Igor Smirnov shares his personal analysis and novelties! Therefore, you have a lot of chances of crushing your opponents as White after 1.e4.
After White plays 4.d4, Black has 3 options:
🔹Take with the pawn (4…exd4, a transposition to the Scotch Gambit, usually leading to the Max Lange Attack)
🔹Take with the knight (4…Nxd4), which is considered weak since it allows 5.Nxe5, attacking f7 with the bishop and knight
🔹Take with the bishop (4…Bxd4), which is considered best
And you will learn how to play against each of these responses and win quickly!
â–º Chapters
00:00 Surprising Chess Opening Weapon After 1.e4
00:30 Italian Gambit 4.d4 (Giuoco Piano)
01:34 Line-1: If Black plays 4…Nxd4
03:02 Proof: It really works!
03:56 Line-2: If Black plays 4…exd4
07:21 Line-3: If Black plays 4…Bxd4
09:12 What is White’s plan?
11:05 Evil Trap Wins the Game
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