The 7 WORST Chess Openings (According To Stockfish)

I searched 500 pages of the book Unorthodox Chess Openings to find these 7 openings which are extremely bad, according to stockfish.

0:00 – Intro
0:41 – Senechaud Countergambit
3:39 – Mosquito Gambit
5:41 – Matovinsky Gambit
11:45 – Orsini Gambit
14:21 – Frederico Variation
17:09 – Jerome Gambit
20:11 – Tumbleweed/Drunken King

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  1. The Jerome Gambit Is for the person that plays 3 check, 3 checks in six moves

  2. I’ve seen Magnus Carlsen crush with the Tumbleweed against other GM’s so it must be a good opening.

  3. I guess the point of the mosquito gambit iis to bait you opponent to tempo your queen to give Qb4+

  4. I always thought that Nf3 was the theoretical way of refuting the Matovinsky Gambit. Need to check on that nice looking Nh3.

  5. 8:53 White can double attack Black's king and a8 rook so White can win Black's a8 rook

  6. I’m gonna give the Mosquito Gambit the nickname β€œTrump’s Gambit”; because just like Donald Trump’s wall, it’s based on nothing more than a poorly founded and extremely dubious sense of hope.

  7. im pretty sure worse openings are 1)Nc6,—> sacrifice the knight, or 2) Nf6–>sacrifice the knight, or 3) d7 followed by Bh3, or f6, followed by Ba3

  8. 9:08 you could have done bishop to b4 ,even if he blocks with the pawns, the bishop would just capture the pawns, if the queen captures the bishop then you have a queen

  9. in 8:56 white can just go bc4 check which forces the king to go kf8 and white can do qf7 checkmate

  10. Worst opening one of my opponents has ever used in a serious game:

    1. f4 e5 2. g3? exf4 3. gxf4?? Qh4#

    Not quite the Fool's Mate, but pretty close!

  11. 11:05 yeah being down a rook, perfect timing to just stop analysing the position

  12. 17:09 Jerome would have wanted this! Yo everytime you lose a couple pieces man, we just call it the jerome!

  13. Now it's time to see Magnus play and win with some of these.

  14. i still dont know what a gambit is
    i dont know if i want to know

  15. 9:00 guys what if you play bishop c4, then the Black king is forced to go f8, then checkmate queen f7 ?

  16. Me: says Ruy lo-PEZ because I thought it was correct

    Guy actually named Lopez: Ruy Lopez

  17. of course… it's by Schiller… the world's laziest openings book writer! you can't play chess with his gambit repertoire books unless you don't mind playing out of book more than half the time.

  18. Never thought I would find a video starting with last but not least…

  19. What about fools mate? That’s gotta be the worst opening of all time

  20. Wait, how can the eval be +3.7 first, but then with 2 more of the best moves, it is +5?

  21. I enjoy your videos. What's your lichess name? Wanna play?

  22. 18:26 Is stockfish drunk? If you go there then White goes F5 and the King is forced to retreat and they get the Knight and Bishop for free unless Black is crazy enough to go D6.

  23. the senechaud countergambit is drugs

  24. The Jerome Gambit has been debunked and that loved and showcased by some bloggers.

  25. When the Fool's mate does not snow up: (visible confusion)

  26. You should do another opening about the best openings from the unorthodox openings book

  27. 4:19 Kiddie Countergambit
    I've used it so many times so successfully and it looks like it would also work here.

  28. Stock fish really just went: go home, king, you're drunk

  29. WAIT
    Since bongcloud isnt in the video, Its proved that bongcloud is a brilliant opening

  30. When you see that some are worse than the gohg opening

  31. "You must never take out the queen early unless if you have a good reason."
    Black playing the Orsini Gambit: Yea, I agree.

  32. No the Jerome is legendary and the best gambit to ever exist

  33. The first 6 openings had some reasons to exist, some moves and advantages, at least a little bit, but the last one.
    Why does it even exist? Is it just to give a name to some random opening that no one plays just for the fun of it?

  34. You don't let a drunken king lead the battlefield.

  35. Jerome gambit #1 opening this is misinformation

  36. "What do you think this rates from starfish" -thumbnail shows +3.7 lol

  37. Funnily, the Damiano Defense with e4 e5 Nf3 f6 Nxe5 fxe5 Qh5+ g3 Qxe5+ Qe7 Qxh8 IS the worst opening.

  38. I played against someone who played the Jerome Gambit both times I played them. That was hilarious!

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