Do you want to learn a solid and aggressive chess opening for Black? Do you want a solid opening weapon that will feed your attacking style? Then this video is for you!
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In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov will share with you an unknown and aggressive sideline in the Petrov’s Defence or Russian Game or Petroff Defence.
Generally, the Russian Game is considered drawish, but this sideline will get you an attacking position. You play the mainline till 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.Nxe5 d6 4.Nf3 Nxe4 5.d4 d5 6.Bd3 Nc6 7.O-O, but then instead of continuing the mainline 7…Be7, you can play the sideline 7…Bg4.
Black is pinning the White knight on f3, threatening to capture the d4-pawn. This works great especially against beginners as they are really annoyed by the deadly pin and tend to play passively such as 8.c3 protecting the d4-pawn or attacking the bishop with 8.h3. Most of your opponents will mess up and you can easily get a winning position.
♝ Trivia: The move 7…Bg4 was played by Anatoly Karpov in his World Chess Championship Match against Garry Kasparov, and Kasparov could not win even a single game as White.
► Chapters
00:00 Solid & Aggressive Chess Opening for Black
00:30 Petrov’s Defence or Russian Game
00:54 Aggressive and Unknown Sideline
02:01 White’s inaccuracy giving Black an outpost
04:22 White’s only aggressive attempt fails
06:22 If White plays h3, attacking Bg4
09:41 If White plays Re1, attacking Ke8
11:18 Question for you: can Black play this move?
12:42 White’s correct move: c4
14:30 Tip: Better diagonal for your bishop
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#GMSmirnov #ChessOpenings #PetrovDefense
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no we cant play f5 because rooke taes knight nad if pawn takes quen then rooke takes queen and they are up a knight
► Chapters
00:00 Solid & Aggressive Chess Opening for Black
00:30 Petrov's Defence or Russian Game
00:54 Aggressive and Unknown Sideline
02:01 White's inaccuracy giving Black an outpost
04:22 White's only aggressive attempt fails
06:22 If White plays h3, attacking Bg4
09:41 If White plays Re1, attacking Ke8
11:18 Question for you: can Black play this move?
12:42 White's correct move: c4
14:30 Tip: Better diagonal for your bishop
I've wanted these analyses for years, thank you Mr Igor , you're the best😎
Lmao 5:15
I never tried it before but I 'll do , it's really good . Thanks Igor 🌹🌹🌹
Nxc2 If Qxg7 Qd1 checkmate
That ginger cat is tired after playing chess all night long, right?
Outstanding presentation. Thank you
This is such good stuff. Thank you kindly.
I laughed a few times at such cheeky Queen traps. Brilliant video as always. Let the "Russian Game" commence 🙂👍
Stafford gambit declined.. Ok, let's play the Russian.
@11:36 I think it is a strong move, the exchange looks like you lose a knight and queen but get a rook and queen.
11:40 The fork with f5 seems good!
If Rxd4, then fxg4 Rxd8+ Rxd8 wins an exchange.
If Qxg7, then Ne2+ Rxe2 (Kf1 Qd1#) Qd1+ Re1 Qxe1#.
I'm not so scared of 5. d4; I'm concerned about 5. Nc3 and everything white does before move 5 to gambit and go wild.
Black chokes controls center before 10 moves.
Should Black play f5? 11:32 No, because … Qxg7, fxe6 (loosing a Rook) or Nxc2 (threatening to take the Rook with Nxa8) Qxh8+ (loosing a Rook), Kd7 or Bf8 … leading to the Queens being lost.
Most important question: what’s the cat’s name?
Great lesson as always! Question: what if white plays pawn d3 instead of d4 attacking our Night on move 5? I apologize if this is a dumb question, I'm not an advanced player.
Great ideas
thanks a lot GM Smirnov. i'm a petroff player & I now have a unique defense against white 3. d4 🙂 I hope you also make a detailed video for damiano petroff gambit. i saw many traps in this line which white always caught by surprise.
Anti-london nxt pls.for black
f5! is GOOD and the best continuation:
A) if Qxg7 then Ne2+ Rxe2 (if Kf1 Qd1#) Qd1+ Re1 Qxe1#
B) if Rxd4 then fxg4 Rxd8 Rxd8 and now after Nc3 O-O White is up the exchange and is winning
C) if Qh5+ then g6 Rxd4 Qxd4 Qf3 O-O-O and again White is winning
Very good video sir please make a video on deutz gambit also.
Thanks a lot
Thank you for all your videos mate 🙏
Рыжий кот как у меня и у Шипова
Following Ke4, Qe2 Pd4 then Pd3 captures the kight??
This is such a great lesson, but it appears that even if white misses c4, and first plays c3, there is big possibility that finds the right move later when can't find any other good move
Qxg7, white play ke2+
Super video sir
Nxc2 Qxg7 Qd1+ Re1 Qxe1#
Nxc2 h6 O-O Na3 Nxa1
On 7:29 bishop takes knight d3 then d5xe5 Qf3xe5 #wins pawn back and threatening b7 so not a good position for black!
What if after Ne4 they play pawn to D3 instead of D4?? Do we bring our knight back and if yes….how would that be aggressive?
What if after Ne4 they play pawn to D3 instead of D4?? Do we bring our knight back and if yes….how would that be aggressive?
Great stuff as always GM Smirnov; I have been looking for a few openings for black and I am considering the Kings Indian Defence. Now I will also start to study and play the Russian Defence and have a good, solid opening against 1.e4.
cool opening and nice cat in the background!
Best part of the video: The cat enjoying front row seats to a quality opening 😸
Thank you for this breakdown!
Very interesting approach with no dodgy silliness!
What is the name of that sleepy cat?
Love your videos: very clear and truly interesting. Good job! Thank you.
9:45 PION D4
What's his name?
I mean the cat behind you
I never play the Petroff bc I considered it symmetrical and boring. Until now!