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🔹 Sicilian Defense Playlist –
♛ Find the all the Sicilian Defense variations shown in the video in this blog-post –
The Sicilian Defense is the most popular chess opening and the highest-scoring response for Black against White’s first move 1.e4. Black responds with 1…c5, aiming to control the d4-square. The main idea is to trade the flank pawn for White’s central d-pawn, gaining a long-term positional advantage.
While the Sicilian Defense is a classical and widely used opening among strong chess players, it’s also one of the most complicated, demanding a wealth of opening theory knowledge. To navigate it effectively, one must be aware of the 10 major systems/variations.
In this chess opening crash course on the Sicilian Defense, GM Igor Smirnov dissects the core ideas, pros, and cons of each variation, making the Sicilian Defense more accessible than ever.
► Chapters
00:00 Learn the Sicilian Defense (All Variations) Chess Opening
00:45 1) Dragon Variation
01:30 White castles queenside + Attack on kingside
02:51 2) Accelerated Dragon Variation
04:28 3) 2.Bc4, Bowdler Attack
06:07 4) Najdorf Variation
08:22 5) Classical Variation
09:36 6) French Variation or Paulsen Variation
11:16 7) Sveshnikov Variation or Lasker–Pelikan Variation
12:59 8) Smith–Morra Gambit
14:00 9) Löwenthal Variation (Kalashnikov Variation)
14:59 10) Alapin Variation
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