Push Only Pawns And Win A Chess Game

In this historic chess game Emil Joseph Diemer played as white and he broke every single chess opening principle. He completely abandoned development of his pieces and just pushed pawns until the18th move.
He still managed to win this chess game by suffocating black’s position. This game is one of the reasons why we love chess.

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  1. The minds these guys have.

  2. New to chess, this is definitely the best breakdown of a game I've ever watched

  3. I love chess but am a terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible player

  4. "Believe it or…" "YES I BELIEVE!!!"

  5. Rook takes on h7, not knight

  6. this game would be incredible for guess the elo.

  7. me when i found out about promoting

  8. Music is too distracting. Please remove it

  9. That's a ridiculous game, no chess master would allow so many pawns to advance without taking out the white pawns, so basically the black was offering the white an easy win

  10. At 7:11, if Black takes the knight, and then loses a knight, then it is even or almost even material, with two bishops vs. a bishop and knight, with each having two rooks and 5 pawns. Each has a passed pawn..

  11. How to say fuck you in chess

  12. this guy will probably promote a pawn to a pawn!

  13. Great game, great education… I have a played game challenges as well. Take a look at let me know what you think.

  14. I have been doing this for years to defeat an opponent who is actually a better player than I am. It totally throws good players off. Pushing the pawns also allows one to obtain a few free bishops and nights that might have painted themselves into a corner.

  15. Am I not understanding? Why did black not let the vulnerable pawn get taken it was the best option he had a bishop to take the knight and the other knight wouldn’t be a problem judging the king can take it if it tried taking the bishop… also why did he put the knight back in a place the rook can take he should’ve put it in front of his rook if his goal was to protect the pawn

  16. Jus wanna mention if you could say grandmaster with their name it sounds cool, attractive and respectful

  17. Indeed a very interesting game of chess, one for the book!!!!

  18. Znaci slusao sam oko 3 minuta i morao sam da proverim da l' si srbin hahahaha. To dž, š, v i r imaju VELIKI srpski akcenat

  19. He sacrifice the ROOK

  20. This was exactly why I said the pawn is the most powerful piece on the board, their disposable, promotable and very easy to use for both offence and defense at the same time. This guy maximized the potential of the pawns showing their overlooked advantages at its finest 👏👏

  21. this gay is lose his self😂😂😂

  22. The very early me : let's quickly develop the queen on 3rd row after e4/5 in second move (i know that it was stupidity)
    And this person: let me finish with my paws first 😅

  23. So with over 350k views. People are basically Chess experts nowadays. It seems like nobody is just enjoying the game anymore. I just started learning and playing the game. Only to find out people are now cheating to win. SMH the world today is just sad. 🤦‍♀️😥

  24. diemer, he's the most calm men ever!! i've been imagine it how he move he's pawns with he's hand and being so relax !!! but Thomas heiling about to lose he's mind😐

  25. Pawns make a strong game

  26. Dare you to say "in this position" again

  27. I never seen this game I love the idea of it but I see if black would have pulled his peaces out like he should have game would have been over fast

  28. I've just used the same strategy and completely controlled the game and won with a lot more points. Thanks for the video.

  29. 7:23 white could have rg1 & forked the night and rook

  30. OMG what a move by white ponds?

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