ONE Opening For Black vs ANY White’s Opening

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🔹 1…Nc6 against 1.e4 & 1.d4 –

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In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov shares with you a universal and aggressive chess opening system for Black that works against any first move by White. It’s the move 1…Nc6, commonly known as the Nimzowitsch Defense.

Since it is universal, it can be played against any of White’s first moves: 1.e4, 1.d4, 1.Nf3, or 1.c4. This opening system is particularly tricky, often resulting in Black gaining a winning position within just 10 moves in many common variations.

Moreover, it proves especially effective against the London System. If White isn’t careful, they may fall right into the trap, leading to checkmate in only 7 moves!

► Chapters

00:00 Universal Chess Opening for Black vs 1.e4 & 1.d4
00:09 1) Against 1.e4 by White
01:53 White’s most played move LOSES on the spot
02:28 If White defends f2 with Rf1
02:55 If White defends f2 by castling
04:40 2) Against 1.d4 by White
06:03 General ideas of this opening system
09:08 3) Against the Queen’s Gambit
09:42 4) If White plays 2.Nf3 to prevent 2…e5
10:52 5) Against the London System
11:22 Checkmate in 7 moves!
12:15 If White doesn’t fall for the trap

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#IgorNation #ChessOpenings #ChessOpeningTricks #ChessTraps #OpeningTraps #LondonSystem


  1. I discovered this myself trying not to use queen pawn opening every game but was never tactically efficient with it.

  2. What about white going c4 c5

  3. No one does this move. It's always knight and then bishop

  4. Just discovered this channel – fantastic stuff, exactly what I was after, love it!

  5. This is beautiful. Confuses all opponents below 1000.

  6. I've already learned one of your tricky openings and am having quite a lot of success with it. Now I'm going to try this one and see how it goes.

  7. What if he pin in G5?

  8. At the @4:07 mark, why not Kh1 for white?

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