Nakamura’s Queen’s Gambit Declined | Chess Openings Explained – NM Caleb Denby

National Master Caleb Denby teaches the Queen’s Gambit Declined, as played by Hikaru Nakamura. Plus, learn how to beat it.

Viswanathan Anand vs Hikaru Nakamura, Zurich Chess Challenge (2015): D37 Queen’s Gambit Declined, classical variation (5.Bf4)

Levon Aronian vs Hikaru Nakamura, Lindores Abbey Rapid Challenge (2020): D37 Queen’s Gambit Declined, classical variation (5.Bf4)

Levon Aronian vs Hikaru Nakamura, Lindores Abbey Rapid Challenge (2020): D37 Queen’s Gambit Declined, classical variation (5.Bf4)


  1. Hall David Gonzalez Mark Johnson Edward

  2. Cccccccccccccccccccccc55555555555555555

  3. Gideon Stalhbergs favorite #1 defence against d4.

  4. I was expecting hikaru to be the lecturer not this random kid

  5. Interesting that the Q-side pawn structure, though extremely tense, remains for so long. Inexperienced players will tend to trade off pawns early or close up the formation. I've certainly had this pawn structure for black and been puzzled what to do with it; I also feel uncomfortable with the light square bishop so hemmed in. It's also interesting that timing is a main idea for black- only opening files when it gives a definite advantage.
    These games aren't flashy, but they are something you WILL see.

  6. Magnus just played yesterday a3 with Nb5 idea, focusing on c7. And Hikaru got smashed after ignoring the thread and playing carelessly c5 which allowed white to retreat with knight to d4. But thanks for all the story behing the line, too bad that you didn't post it 2 days ago. My analysis would be more complete 😀

  7. Omg… that ending from the second game was crazy

  8. Which software are you using for the explanation ?

  9. Interesting, but please add chapters so it is easy to find game 2.

  10. SO annoying having a mouse hand whizzing all over the board. Keep the damned mouse stlll!

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