Magnus plays the Caro-Kann defence to beat GM

Magnus Carlsen plays the Caro-Kann defence to beat grandmaster.


  1. I can't see the chat of course, but I would suspect it would be kind of hard to troll Magnus. It might be mildly humorous to try I guess….But after the wizard outfit candid, you have to admit the man has a sense of humor. Lots of people seem to think he's arrogant, but I don't find it too much in the same way Fischer was. I think it's the "right amount" of arrogant for my taste, I have to admit if it were me in that spot I would probably be insufferable. Kasparov seemed more stand-offish and way more serious…but also he would occasionally admit he was wrong. And getting spanked by Deep Blue was a little humbling, but he took it well. His Pepsi commercial is pretty funny to boot.

  2. 3059 elo opponent… Magnus "he's really playing quite well" 😀

  3. at 0:06 are you not supposed to take the e4 pawn or does it not matter

  4. he missed a fork at the endgame with the knight

  5. Why do people not understand that this guy would se a fork 3-4 moves before it would happen, if it was on the board he definetly saw it, and if ut talking about 5:30 he cant move his knight cause he will get checked

  6. At 0.30 why not attack the bishop with corner rook???

  7. Is Anyone can tell opponent has 7.5 score it means He win 7 games against Magnus😮

  8. No way this many people are saying "Why didn't Magus fork??!" Like a GM would be this blind.

  9. Why not going for the fork at 5:29 ? I suck at chess so I am just wondering

  10. The people that r saying he's missing a fork r the ones that say "oh look, a free pointy hat diagonal guy… oh nooo! My queen"

  11. Wow!! It's amazing and frustrating to watch Magnus play because seriously the amount of mental effort to master the game to that point is scary!!!! Like that point where he said "Veeery accurate he's playing well" was basically a good time to quit to me but instead Magnus ties the opponent into a knot and announced "he resigned"

  12. Magnus actually missed the fort with the night ,he moved the king

  13. Actually a good game to follow. Some very logical moves. It's so interesting that one of Magnus's talents is sustained belief that he can win through to the end game. It almost makes the middlegame moot so long as he isn't desperately behind.

  14. at 5:35 he could have gone for knight b7 which would ended it early

  15. 5:27 black move knight g2 is fork for king and rook but magnus didn't see it

  16. Opponent: I made magnus stop moving pieces and think.
    *Magnus reading chat comments

  17. 3:08 can someone tell me how magnus took his own bishop by rook to b4😅

  18. For everone who think that magnus missed a fork, bruh like the knight literally pinned to the king

  19. The opponent played so well but still lost…
    Is there any mistakes they made? I'm too bad to see that 😢

  20. 🔱C😁A😁R😁L😁S😁E😁N😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

  21. 🔱A😁G😁A😁I😁N😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

  22. 🔱H😁E😁R😁E😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

  23. He just suddenly wins in a not winning positions,how does he do this 😢

  24. What would you do if you knew Magnus had a deal with the devil?

  25. I don’t understand what did he do at 3:52 . He like stacked his pawn and queen and the queen disappeared? Can someone explain . Newbie to chess

  26. Carlsen was lost after Be8 and not to e6 😂😂😅

  27. spent yesterday like 6 hours trying getting from 490 to 500 enrage last night this guide feels like it was made specifcally for me ….

  28. 600 rated elo super star here. Isn't there a knight fork at 5:27?

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