I Won 97% Blitz Games With This Opening

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🔹 My Favourite Aggressive Opening For Black Against 1.d4 –

♛ Find the 1.b3 chess opening variations shown in the video in this blog-post –

In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov reveals one of his favorite chess openings for blitz games: the Nimzowitsch-Larsen Attack. This opening starts with the move 1.b3, followed by 2.Bb2.

Though it’s considered unconventional, the Nimzowitsch-Larsen Attack is actually a very simple setup. Your opponents are often unprepared, and you have plenty of interesting tricks and traps at your disposal.

The ‘sniper’ bishop on b2 will harass your opponent’s pieces long-term. Initially, it puts pressure on Black’s central pawns, and later, once you’ve castled, the bishop supports a powerful kingside attack.

GM Smirnov has been playing this opening for several years with great success, winning over 95% of my blitz games.

Watch the full video lesson to learn how to play this opening against both of Black’s main responses: 1…e5 (the Modern Variation) and 1…d5 (the Classical Variation).

► Chapters

00:00 1.b3 Chess Opening, Nimzo-Larsen Attack
00:48 Targeting the e5-pawn and the diagonal
01:36 1) If Black plays 3…Bc5 (Modern Variation)
02:41 2) If Black plays 1…d5 (Classical Variation)
03:12 3) If Black plays 3…Nf6
04:32 Important Positional Idea (dark-square weakness)
06:51 4) If Black plays 3…d5 
09:11 4.2) If Black plays 5…Qe7
11:28 Puzzle of the day
11:47 4.3) If Black plays 5…f6 (Mainline)

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  1. in blitz I like to play the benko as black vs d4 ,c4 and I like to play a benko setup as white as it allows a nice game

  2. for the puzzle I think the solution is knight to d5 if queen takes we take the queen with the bishop then we got 2 threats one is forking the rook and the king with the knight and the other is taking the g7 pawn with the bishop therefore attaking the rook

  3. Igor i am a 1400 elo chess player could you please make a video to improve properly cuz i have watched all of your videos and reached 1400 elo but now cant get past it

  4. Puzzle is Nxd5 threatening to fork on f7 and the g7 which trap the rook at the same time. If queen takes queen you take back and still threaten both rook. By the way, I always feel like any Nimzo Larsen videos that doesn’t prepare something against LC0 gambit is kind of incomplete so maybe you should make videos on that too.

  5. Maybe next video you can saw your games to us in this line

  6. I have my favorite gambit against this, please play this so I can beat you all quickly 😇

    (dont worry it's rare, you will mainly face what is shown in the video!)

  7. Amazing video… you are great sir 🎉🎉🎉

  8. I just abort the game if someone plays this against me 😂

  9. Regarding the problem position in the video after Black played 1 … Qe7 2.Nxd5 looks solid for white. If 2 … Qxe5 3.Bxe5 cd 4.Bxg7 and if 2 … cd 3.Qxg7 wins the Rook and leads to a winning endgame for white.

  10. 97% win rate is CRAZY clickbait, erases integrity for views, quite the gambit.

    Larsen's is my most common opening, as much as it sucks when your opening gets so much publicity it is nice to know someone as high rated as GM Igor uses the same reasoning and understanding of your opening.

  11. This is such a solid opening at blitz my opponents just blunder so easily

  12. This seems like a great system. You should do a chessable on it.
    I was wondering what if black plays an early a6?

  13. Played this opening for 1500+ games but it failes to Black's version of London system when they go d5 and then Bf5

  14. 11:41 does Nxd5 work here?
    If pawn takes we have either Qxe8 or Qxg8
    If Qxe5 we have Bxe5 right?

  15. I always liked it but i've never quite been able to get a hang of it

  16. What if he or she play pawn to a6 which prevents us to pin theire night in the openings

  17. the first several moves are the hippo

  18. I was 800 on lichess but @Gm IGOR assist me to reach 1600.a appreciate you GM IGOR

  19. Evil tongues might say you won 97% games because youre gm and not because of the opening..

  20. That is why you should play …c5 and learn to play b3 Sicilian, thank you very much.

  21. GM Igor I have noticed your English is getting more fluent and natural ! Congrats on that too ofcourse everyone compliments your chess skills but I think this is a great noticeable improvement too, it's so pleasant to hear you always either way! It's just even smoother now 🙂

  22. All very hypermodern. You let the opponent take the center, knowing that if they take too much, they will lose it. Black cannot have both d5 and e5.

  23. 12:17 after f6 can we not play fe5 fe5 Be5 Be5 Qh5+ and Qxe5 winning a pawn and position?

  24. I was searching for new opening for white because my scotch opening does the work anymore.Perfect timing!

  25. what to do against early f6? Is there still a way to gain an advantage?

  26. Dude, I really like your channel but not gonna put up with that thumbnail so my policy is to unsub. when peeps have some idiotic mouth wise open with eyeballs glaring thumbnail. Anyways I play too much chess and certainly don’t need to be watching chess vids so much, so thanks. See ya

  27. @GMigorSmirnov how come you changed your approach to the bug center of D5 E5 with playing pawn F4 instead of knight F3 in previous videos? This is what im playing for a few years now and leads to mostly quick wins

  28. please don't humiliate yourself pulling the type of face you pulled in the thumbnail. It cheapens the whole thing and makes the video seem like it's gonna be low-quality algorithm fodder.

  29. 13:05 "theoretically they can hold on with Be6": wrong because of the immediate Qf6(!!) with a double attack!

  30. What if they push pawns to attack white's 2 good knights???

  31. I too used to play the nimzo in blitz, but then figured out that a variation of Van't kruijs destroys it every time, so now I'm probably the 3% this can't beat…

  32. Igor please make video against reti opening

  33. This opening for White is rather advantageous for Black because it´s passive and very predictable. Black gets time to build up a very fine pawnchain based central position nullifying any threats even before the development of any of Black´s knights in moves 4 to 7. By move 9 (if not before) white will has lost all initial advantage.

  34. 17k views / 700 likes
    the dude puts effort to make a good content
    at least click on like

  35. I like your content, but is there really need for these braindead clickbait titles? Yeah, sure, you've won '97%' of blitz games… You're just cheapening your channel and reputation.

  36. One of my favourite openings as it is rare and gets opponents out of their comfort zones quite often and also has many traps and ways to attack black !

  37. Then I will remember to trade that bishop

  38. Take pawn with horse, queen is defended, if they take knight you can take g pawn and rook, if they take queen you recapture and still threaten to take pawn and win rook, if they block or whatever you have fork winning other rook

  39. Well we'll play Bb5 after this move opponent plays b6 then what we will do

  40. Perhaps I could shake your hand, congratulate you, and retire before we play, saving me the humiliating loss. That sounds like the best strategy. Haha!

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