How to PUNISH These Beginner Chess Openings | Speedrun Episode 6

In this Beginner to Master Speedrun Series, I try to climb the rating ladder while providing lots lessons about chess along the way. In this episode, I play 3 instructive games, all of which feature me trying to punish openings in which my opponents bring out their queen early.
Beginner to Master Speedrun Playlist:


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Eric Rosen
4579 Laclede Ave. # 205
St. Louis, MO 63108

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#chess #ericrosen


  1. I learn so much from these videos 😂

  2. 17:15 Eric didn't follow chess principles here… I am watching Eric Rosen 24/7, no disrespect intended, but I know that usually Eric does not castle in order to gain momentum with his attacking pieces. But wise for lower rated chess players is to castle at least by the 4th / 6th move 🙂

  3. Love your content but you should starting breathing through your nose it’s a lot more healthy and beneficial

  4. i found that Qd1 line before he castled :>

  5. I see this a lot, people (including me sometimes) with lots of time left when they lose. Saving time, only to lose due to not seeing stuff, is a false economy. But they may simply be a beginner, and not know what they should be looking for in terms of immediate tactics. Which is perhaps due to a common error…only looking at your own moves, or mostly looking at them, and not considering your opponent's best responses.

  6. Instead of Re1, White should have played Bb5+, followed bgy Re1, pinning the Q.

  7. Loved this video! Been plateaued in 6-700 range for a while, but recently better humbling myself. Glad that videos like this really help enlighten me on what I should still be working on, without steering me too deep into the theoretical weeds.

  8. I'm just starting out (at age 56!). You are going to be a very helpful teacher for me. Thank you.

  9. Eric is such an awesome person. There is nobody I am more eager to see become a GM!

  10. This series proves my experience that often times people with scores in the 700's play like they are 1200's.

  11. 2. Qh5 is definitely not as ridiculous as most people think. See several videos by "the Butcher" on how to use it as a surprise weapon. Even a certain "Magnus Carlssen" uses it sometimes in Blitz games.

  12. Yes! When Mr. Rosen is the one teaching, there are a lot of lessons one can learn. Really enjoyed watching. And hey I learned something new. I will try using the decoy tactic more often in my games. I also liked watching your video because it didn't overwhelm us with excessive information. Just the right amount of information. Now, I will go catch up on the other episodes. YAY!

  13. Thanks Eric I liked the video. One piece of feedback/request is not to do those kind of high level tactics you mention at 17:57, given that realistically those of us in that level range trying to learn just plain would never spot it. IMO it would be a more valuable lesson to just let the opponent equalize and then try to fight for a victory after losing your piece, as that is what would happen to one of us 99.9% of the time. Thanks again.

  14. Thanks for this Eric, at 25:24 you say the natural moves for black being Bg7 or Bc5. I would have chosen Bh6 or Bb4. I'd love to know why some inconspicuous moves are so much better than others :-

  15. What about pawn to B5 instead of D5 at the end there? It's protected by the knight on F6 if the queen tries to take it while breaking the connection between the bishop and queen so you can take the bishop.

  16. The decoy bishop is a move that I never would have thought of as a beginner hovering around 600-700. The queen pin with the hanging bishop that creates a triple fork is just so nice haha, thank you for the other tactics as well.

  17. Yes I love to see these cheese openings get demolished. It’s annoying to face even though I how to refute it. The audacity starts feeling disrespectful. I’m like come on, play a real opening. You are simultaneously throwing the game and giving your opponent the middle finger with your cheese.

  18. 1. e4 e5 2. Qh5 Nc6 3. Bc4 g6 4. Qf3 Here interesting to play 4… f5!? like Harikrishna did against Nakamura.5. exf5 is losing, white has a limited choice of options, black has a space and does not worse.

  19. Decoy lessons were great, Thank you so much, keep sharing your knowledge and calm….:))

  20. This is such an extremely helpful series. Really appreciate it man. Also its very, very cool that they get their points refunded. Just excellent, wholesome content all round. Thank you sir. EDIT: id defo watch over an hour of this

  21. what is the phrasee hee is using at 11:32 , feen cadoe? what does that mean?

  22. I love your play, you always end up doing what I would have done… but some how you win where I do not…

  23. 16:30… I'm talking to the screen castle… castle… go on caaastle… finally.

  24. Im a little confused. At 28:12 you say that you control all the squares the queen can go to but I dont see how you are controlling e3. What am I missing here?

  25. Isn't a chess master playing an account rated 663 a bit unfair to the lower rated player?

  26. At 19:29, why wouldn’t you move the pawn to e3? He’ll eat it and you can give a check with the queen in d3? With the pawn gone, you also have a passage for your rook.

  27. Really learning a lot from these videos, thank you so much for your time, and giving us beginners a solid place to start! Boy did that one opponent know his Scholars mate, and you walked us through the worse case scenario ending with a well deserved mate!

  28. 5 Nf3 looks inferior to both Nb5 and d5.

  29. You gonna get flagged 😂😂😂
    Lmao, learning from a 600ish player, I'd destroy you XDDD, jk, great video legend!

  30. Maybe a newer style of board. The old look of board makes the content seem a little dated.
    Would queen h4 have worked in game 2? at 14:46 or later

  31. im putting that bishop decoy in my toolkit

  32. Eric is a great teacher, he has a calming voice too

  33. I like how you explain slowly. I'm new and some experts explain so quickly that I have a hard time following

  34. hey, im new to chess but at min 2.00 would playing knight to b5 be a good play? you would be threatening queen at d6 while protecting the pawn with both knights.

  35. No arrogance, just a calm tone explaining things as they are…
    Nice 🙂

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