Four Knights Game – Chess Openings Explained

Jonathan Schrantz teaches an opening where all four Knights move toward the center. It’s pretty and symmetrical, but there are sharp lines you should know. Learn the Scotch Four Knights, the Glek system, and more.

Vladimir Kramnik vs Levon Aronian, Kramnik – Aronian (2012): C47 Four knights, Scotch, 4…exd4


  1. Ohhhh this is why im losing lol. I always play the italian and ALWAYS put all four knights out. Oops

  2. I would love to see a more in depth analysis on the Glek System. I know Daniel Naroditsky plays h3 kh2 in a lot of variations in order to unpin the pawn on f2 and then prepare it for the pawn push. I would love to see the ins and outs of that system.

  3. Wow! Very well explained. You have a way of covering all the intricacies of this opening without making it confusing to beginners like myself.

  4. This guy is awesome. He makes lecturing look easy and actually got me interested in this channel / revitalized my interest in chess. ๐Ÿ‘

  5. You don't know how intermediate plays the 4 knights. White usually moves the pawn to D3 after the E4. The bishop is used to protect the knight from being pinned by black knight. And when you push the pawns in front of the king to make the blck bishop move, it moves one sqaure and if you push again, black sacrifies his knight, and black re pins the white knight and you cant move it because of your queen. If you move your queen, they take the knight and it opens up the white king. I am amazed how many 1800s fall under this trap. They just play as per theories and cant think of themselves when face with this.

  6. Found this video because I just lost a match playing the Italian variation and it hurt. Hopefully wont make that mistake again

  7. Still asking for the King's Gambit Jon. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Love your lectures still.

  8. One person turned up? My bet that it was none other than the chess maniac and former Missouri scholastic state champ, Mike Kummer.

  9. 'Chess Openings Explained' is my favorite segment you guys do. Please keep them coming. If I lived in St. Louis, you would've had two people in the audience ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. I study my openings from databases and books, but this series is fun and well explained.
    If I would request an opening it would be a 4… g6 variation of the Alekhines. (1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 d6 4. Nf3 g6).

    Lots of tactical and super sharp lines, where black survives by miracles it seems.

  11. These lectures are well researched and well presented. Shame the St Louis locals aren't turning out for them – they are still good viewing for the rest of us.

  12. I recently saw an unusual opening for white against the Sicilian. It's called the Wing Gambit. Any chance of covering that in the future?

  13. I was the guy in the audience. I am from Michigan but was town for the week and spent several days at the club. I had a blast attending several lectures and just hanging out.

  14. This guy is a PRO coach. Openings – 101 by Jonathan Schrantz.

  15. I love the concept of explaining the ideas in certain openings. What plans are normal in this and that opening etc. Super nice!
    Id love to see som Ruy Lopez and d4 opening breakdowns.

  16. Hey could you please do a video about the tarrasch defense

  17. Great video, thanks to you and everyone at the club! I'd love to head down to Saint Louis to check these out in person!

  18. [11:17] Glect system. I don't understand how Grand master Shranz sees no adantage for black! White's light squared bishop is block in by white's pawns, while both of black's bishop are active.

    I normally played that system for black, and I never go for re routing my knight to play c6, d5 and attack white's centre. I aim for moving the f6 knight to play f5 and launch a kingside attack. I mean, my pawns are pointing towards the kingside and that is where my bishops also points.

    That's a surprising assement by Shranz, which will make wonder about my assessment. I mean he is a Grand master and I am not even a master.

  19. Excuse me please, my esteemed Sir Schrantz, I believe to know the match between Kramnik and Aronian ended tied in a 3:3, by +1 -1 =4, not in a win by Aronian, am I wrong? . Howsoever an extraordinary educational lecture as usual by a great Mr. Schranz, many thanks for this instructive lessons.

  20. The amount of time where both sides castle and develop bishops to b5 and b4 pissed me off. I am known for liking positions that are dull but this is another level of dull. Pos opening at any cost I will avoid this lol…

  21. only 1 person what a shame. I love your videos !!

  22. ๐Ÿ˜› Why you only had one person on audience?

  23. Please do video about Belgrade Gambit ๐Ÿ™‚

  24. Funny enough my engine says black is up about a pawn after g4.

  25. in 35:34 white had a winning and it was to give a queen check in e8 and if kg7 then queen e5+ forking the rook and the king and if after queen e8 check black played kh7 then qxf7 and after kh8 qf8+ forking the king and the rook once again ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. You don't want a King's gambit one Majora1988! it's butsted

  27. 14:40 Bh3 kinda the better move with a possible fork against queen, and if declined , Ng4, with a following Queen

  28. Computer says there is nothing wrong with that line of the Italian four nights, white is slightly better

  29. Hello everyone,

    While I love avoiding the Italian 4 knights with what Johnathan suggested, what about a move order trick : e4 e5, Nf3 Nc6, Bc4 Bc5, Nc3

  30. Hey Jon can you make a video of all the easiest checkmates!

  31. BEWARE! 1.e5 e5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.Nc3 Nc6 4.Bc4! Nxe4 5.Nxe4 d5 6.Bd3 dxe4 7.Bxe4 Bd6!! In there are 25 games from here and ALL WON BY BLACK!!!!
    Even his "interesting" 6.Bd3 Nb4!? is not to be feared. And 6.Bd3 f5!? There are hardly any games to find on this anywhere on line . . . . . .
    Personally I check everything with a strong engine regarding opening lines and "time after time" my engine unearths some inaccuracy of some kind regarding grandmasters tactical or positional evaluations regarding many openings. As Kasparov once said . . "When it comes to a suggested line, believe it but before playing it first CHECK IT OUT!"

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