This video explores thematic moves in the modern Dutch Stonewall defence. The Stonewall formation is reached with pawns on c6/d5/e6/f5, with Bd6, and Knights on f6 + d7. Black re-positions the f6 Knight to e4 and, after castling 0-0, lifts the Rook with Rf6 to h3, intending Bxh2 and Qh5!! To avoid anti-Dutch lines and gambits, and to let White show their opening plans, f5 is not played until move 5.
Chess opening lesson on Dutch Stonewall defence against 1.d4 inc. themes + tactics
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u keep saying white didnt do anything wring. well while watching i was going crazy after your rook lift, thinking about how to solve the kingside problem, and i started to think about g2-g3 and knight manouvers and this and that.
i think white made many mistakes by ignoring the piece-pressure on the kingside. because on the queenside they are miles away from getting in and deflecting the black pieces from the kingside. positional and tactical wrong play by white.
@KingsExecutor To illustrate some Dutch Stonewall themes, I selected a real game that featured them (e.g. Rf8-f6-h3, Bxh2, etc.). The phrase, ‘White has not done anything wrong’, meant no outright blunders (e.g. hanging pieces). White played passively, overlooked threats, made pointless moves, and did nothing to pressurize, etc. I agree with your comments on the game. If White allows things to get to the Rf8-f6-h3 stage, then I’d *always* prefer to play Black 🙂
I liked the video a lot. Even though I'm a weak player myself, I was surprised by White's passivity. Nonetheless, this uninventive play by White allowed you to show us (or me at least) some basic ideas behind the stone-wall, which is not an opening played much at the top level, so it's difficult to see it analysed in videos on GM games. (… and kingscrusher doesn't really play it either :)).