Chess Lesson # 58: Best Opening for White | Opposite Side Castling Attack | London System

Many of you know the London system is a great Chess opening for white. However, you never thought of it as an aggressive set-up that could incorporate the ideas of opposite-side castling attack. In this Chess class, you will learn how to play the London system. You will see how it is possible to play it positionally if that’s what you prefer. However, I will try to convince you to play it aggressively because attacking an opposite-side castled king effectively is a skill you must learn regardless of your style or opening preference. It just doesn’t depend on you. If your opponent castles to the opposite side, an aggressive war is declared and you have to know how to attack!

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My Book Recommendations:
First tactics book:
Mixed tactics book:
Advanced tactics book:
Advanced tactics book (II):
Carlsen’s book (excellent):
Kramnik’s book (excellent):
Pirc Defense book:
Endgames book:

Learn how to play Chess the right way from beginner to master level. National Master Robert Ramirez will take you up the pyramid by following a proven Chess training program he has been improving and implementing for over 10 years.

Benefits of Playing Chess:
​- Promotes brain growth
– Increases problem-solving skills
– It exercises both sides of the brain
– Raises your IQ
– Sparks your creativity
– Teaches planning and foresight
– Teaches patience and concentration
– Optimizes memory improvement
– Improves recovery from stroke or disability
– Helps treat ADHD
Chess is an intellectual battle where players are exposed to numerous mental processes such as analysis, attention to detail, synthesis, concentration, planning and foresight. Psychological factors are also present on and off the board; playing Chess stimulates our imagination and creativity. Every single move a player makes is the result of a deep analysis based on the elements presented on the battlefield.

Chess in its essence teaches us psychological, sociological and even moral values. In a Chess game, both players start with the same amount of material and time. The fact that the white pieces move first is considered to be practically irrelevant —especially because a player typically plays one game as white and one game as black. Consequently, the final result of the battle solely depends on each player. It doesn’t matter if you win by taking advantage of your opponent’s mistakes or by simply avoiding mistakes yourself. Truth is that Chess is an extremely individual sport and our defeats can only be blamed on ourselves and no one else. And this, in the end, only benefits us because we learn to be and feel responsible for our actions and never come up with excuses to justify ourselves.

We also learn that when it comes to our victories on the board, our opponent’s mistakes play a more significant role than our own skills. Let’s not forget that a Chess game without any mistakes would be a draw. This way, Chess provides us with another valuable life lesson: be humble at all times.

About National Master Robert Ramirez:

With an outstanding background as a professional Chess player and over 8 years of teaching experience, Robert Ramirez brings both his passion and his expertise to the board, helping you believe & achieve!

Robert Ramirez was introduced to the fascinating world of Chess when he was 5 years old and has participated in prestigious tournaments such as the World Open Chess Tournament and the Pan American Intercollegiate Team Championships. Thanks to his performance, he has earned his National Master title from the United States Chess Federation.

Currently, NM Ramirez and his carefully selected team teach at several private schools in the counties of Miami-Dade and Broward and they also offer private lessons. He says the key to their success as Chess coaches is their ability to adapt to every student and to make lessons fun and interesting for students and even their family members.


  1. This is absolutely BRILLIANT! Thank you very much for putting this lesson online. I will try it soon and I have subscribed…much appreciated.

  2. On their 4th move they always seem to go bg4 pinning my knight to my queen

  3. what if after pe3, black plays nh5 attacking white bishop?

  4. Just wondering: what about not castling at all, but bringing your king to the second rank at some point so you have both rooks free? Is it structurally weaker? Thanks for the video btw, it's another gem!

  5. This opening and the Vienna r the two I’m trying to get good at. Your videos are very helpful, and I do hope u go deeper into the Vienna. I also hope that u do videos on playing against the copy cat.and playing against really aggressive players. Keep up the great work.

  6. These lessons are wonderful! I have seen this variation of the London called the Barry Attack. I tried it in the past but wasn't attacking with the pawns properly. .Thanks for the great lesson! I will give it another try.

  7. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart! I reached 1254 learning from your KID/Pirc opening videos for black, but for white I have been using Kings indian attack, but I lose most of the times. At this point I feel I am stuck and it's really hard to progress in rating ladder. Please suggest me a good strategy for further rating push.

  8. 31/10/21
    8:38 AM
    Sunday … It's Chess day … ♟️♟️🤩

  9. How to trap 1300+elo with black and white. Because I need a dangerous opening to get FIDE Rating

  10. I’m already hooked on the pirc and now I’m kinda putting the Vienna on the back burner while I learn this.
    As always, great video

  11. I have greatly enjoyed your videos, and was wondering if sometime in the might do a number of them on the English Opening.

  12. Just found this, I do play the London it would be great if you could cover more lines in this opening, more detail and middle game plans
    You have a great and easy way of teaching chess

  13. what if black move knight h5 in move 2?black bishop will be pin and cant move to other square coz it is,block by e3…

  14. wasnt expecting to see the London system as a suggestion for white in the course at all. very interesting. i stopped playing it a while back because people were attacking hyper aggressive as early as move 3 trying to prevent the structure. i didnt know how to respond and wound up with some very chaotic games. i'll give it another go. good to have a plan. thanks again for these videos.

  15. Hi Robert. I am very much enjoying your lessons and have found them to be extremely useful. Forgive me if you have answered this question before but do you have a book recommendation for the London System? Thanks, and Merry Christmas!

  16. very very VERY good, thanks!

  17. Hey Robert great video lessons thanks for your time.
    What do you do against an early BF5 from black before your Bd3. This seems a common response against the London,

  18. After almost a year of watching a hours of (paid) courses from many GMs, I had to watch this free 14 minutes video to finally understand the whole idea of an aggressive play and where/how to attack with opposite castling using the london system. Thanks for this.

  19. – One thing I don't understand is how in other systems/openings the opposite King can be instantly attacked, but at the example here 6:05 Black Bishop didn't go to b4.

    9:08 "Let's make this more realistic."… so in that scenario the Black is undeveloped? I believe it would be more realistic if the Black was already developed, like before rearranging Black Knight/Queen. Just my 2 cents.

  20. I thought going into this video, aw man, another opening for white, i just got comfortable with my opposite side castleing london…nevermind there it is again

  21. Estimado Robert, !no sabes cuánto valoro tus enseñanzas! Estoy muy agradecido por tu generosidad y talento. Eres un maestro excelente. Abrazo desde Perú

  22. The greatest channel, really! Feels like 1on1 coaching!
    Wonder what would be your best response after d4 if black opens with c5 or with e5?

    Keep up the great content, man!

  23. What happens when I got pawn to d4 and black counters with pawn to e5???!!! It messes me up everytime

  24. I may be brain dead but if I am I can't figure out where I'm messing up. At 11:07 you go back to your initial position where you show black castling on the queen side. When I count the number of moves made by white and black it appears black has played one more move than white. It's kind of hard to follow the logic of the next several moves with that in mind. Do you have an explanation?

  25. You changed the way I play chess forever. Thank you!

  26. hey love your lessons man but what if after i play d4 they play e5?
    would love to see another video regarding this.

  27. It’s nice that you call us ‘Students’. Your channel, Robert, is really enjoyable! ‘with this said…’

  28. Outstanding instruction and commentary!!! Thank you!! You are a CREDIT to the world of chess players!!!!😇

  29. Excellent video but I am confused as to why Black did not take the pawns in a few different examples.

  30. Since recently getting back into chess on my free time, this particular opening and attack sequence has given me my quickest win so far. Awesome videos btw.

  31. I love your lessons. They have helped me become a better player and you explain it so nicely. I hope you reach 100K subs soon. I have subsribed too.

  32. I watched your course up until this video, and I got my rating up from 600 to 1000 in the span of about 3 weeks thanks to it!!! Chess is my new favorite hobby. Thank you so much! 🙂

  33. Great lesson, I learned a lot and it gave me confidence thank you so much

  34. Really helpful, exactly what I need. You're a great teacher.

  35. Hi robert. Is it good to use london system if opponent doesnt begin with 2…..d4 like e6 e5 c6……?

  36. For this to work, the black opponent needs to follow your script; otherwise, he can cause a lot of pain.

  37. Maestro Ramirez de donde eres? Soy un experto en ajedrez y me gusta la forma q enseñas en ajedrez.

  38. I also like opposite side castling Coach

  39. What if they attacked my pieces while developing them

  40. Amazing, just one last question. How to deal with the king once he castles on queen side?

  41. And why do you think that the openest will move according to your wish ?

  42. Great addition to the London. As a beginner I like the London because it can be used against just about anything but I sometimes get stuck in frustrating positional battles when black plays a good defense. This gives some more options!

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