Best Chess Opening for Black Against 1.e4 in 2023 [Win in 8 Moves]

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In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov teaches how to beat the Fried Liver Attack as Black in just 8 moves. The Fried Liver Attack is a popular opening variation in the Italian Game which happens after the following moves: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Ng5 d5 5.exd5.

Millions of players who play the Fried Liver Attack as White mostly rely on Black playing the dubious move 5…Nxd5. Instead, you can play this aggressive variation that GM Smirnov shows which gives Black a completely winning position in just 8 moves!

► Chapters

00:00 Best Chess Opening Against 1.e4 For Black
00:16 Beat the Fried Liver Attack as Black
01:22 Winning line for Black against the Fried Liver Attack
02:10 How Black gets -2 winning advantage
03:42 If White plays Qe2, pinning the e4-pawn
04:44 If White plays Bb3 instead of Bb5+
07:01 White’s attempt to attack with Qf3
10:41 If White plays Bd3 instead of Ba4
12:36 White’s common opening mistake, 4.Nc3

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  1. ► Chapters

    00:00 Best Chess Opening Against 1.e4 For Black

    00:16 Beat the Fried Liver Attack as Black

    01:22 Winning line for Black against the Fried Liver Attack

    02:10 How Black gets -2 winning advantage

    03:42 If White plays Qe2, pinning the e4-pawn

    04:44 If White plays Bb3 instead of Bb5+

    07:01 White's attempt to attack with Qf3

    10:41 If White plays Bd3 instead of Ba4

    12:36 White's common opening mistake, 4.Nc3

  2. when i watch your video first time my rating was 900. Now im 1800. Your videos are always useful. Keep goin bro.🙏

  3. I've won several games just this week against this exact attack including an 11-move resignation yesterday with 100% accuracy. It's very common. I don't always catch the Fried Liver right away but usually spot it before I move Na4 and remember to play d5 first.

  4. I have played 5. Kg5 against 1500 level people and they have accidentally taken with their queen. As an 800 you can imagine the shock.

  5. I've played this game as white multiple times, black usually don't know what to do after they got this -2.1 advantage, and this advantage fall into few moves, (last time I've played it i was 1600 on lichess rapid)

  6. 8:30 but seriously, why do you think that move is so bad? I checked with the engine, it's not a good move but it isn't a losing mistake either..

  7. Whenever I see 1. e4, I brace for incoming early queen attacks, like 9 out of 10 times.

  8. That what I expect for GM Igor. Everything you show makes sense no cheap trick like other ytbs.

  9. by watching your channel alone I went to 1200 from 1000 in just 3 days. Jesus dude you're something else, great videos. Huge thanks!

  10. Hey Igor! Love your videos, watched a ton of them and still watch them at my free time. I progressed from 600-1430 ELO just because of these videos :). One thing I would love to know how to play is exchange variation in ruy lopez, since I always have problems defending the instant attack. Anyways, keep doing this!❤

  11. at 5:54 would Qxd5 also be good or is there something I'm missing? it takes the pawn and white still can't take the bishop because they will lose the rook

  12. @12:59, after Ba6, if white d3, black cannot go Qf2 for Mate because white Q takes black Q (because d3 blocks black B on a6 and d3 is protected by c2).

    Am I missing something?

  13. Wow! Igor! Thanks a lot for this soo great video, with new moves for black! 😊👍♟

  14. im saddened to ask…but why is bishop b7 a bad move?

  15. at 6:13 where you say the queen is pinned on e2, was that an error? Reason is they can exchange queens with bishop recapturing on e7.

  16. Great lesson!! I have faced this opening multiple times and was never sure what the best way to respond was/is. Thanks for your generosity in sharing this.

  17. I speak for everybody when I say we need the cat back in the background

  18. On the fifth move for Black, I've been attacking the Bishop with my B Pawn, rather than the mainline Knight attack. Which is really stringer?

  19. Good day GM Smirnov. Can you do a quick guide what to do against Bird opening (1.f4) when playing as black.

    At first glance it looks a bad opening as it opens the king side but the follow up Nf3 shuts down the quick check from Black.

    Thank you and good luck for your future contents.

  20. 0:23
    Let's just appreciate how much a lot of time he puts in these awesome videos to make our day, huge respect! 😘 😱

  21. Best chess teacher on YouTube
    Only chess channel I have subscribed to
    Keep up the good work Igor

  22. why cant the white queen on e2 simply take the black queen on e7? that will be check and then white can save his rook on h1 and put it on f1

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