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🔹 Rousseau Gambit Explained –
🔹 Top-3 Traps in Rousseau Gambit –
🔹 Rousseau Gambit Part-2 –
♛ Find the variations shown in the video in this blog-post –
Some chess players dare to question the Rousseau Gambit, claiming it is unsound. They argue that if one knows the right way to handle it, they can defeat you easily. Apparently, they know the Rousseau Gambit refutation. But, do they?
In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov shares with you the Rousseau Gambit declined variations. The Rousseau Gambit occurs after the opening moves: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 f5. The most common move for White, 4.exf4, actually backfires as explained in the previous video lessons. Some of your opponents may be aware of those tricks and might not accept the gambit.
However, you can still outplay your opponents even when they decline the gambit. The Russo Gambit is so tricky; you can fool your opponent badly. Watch the video lesson and learn how to win when White declines your gambit.
► Chapters
00:00 Rousseau Gambit Refutation for White?
00:49 What is the Rousseau Gambit chess opening?
01:49 Rousseau Gambit Declined
02:10 1) If White plays 4.d3
04:00 White’s most common moves are MISTAKES
05:36 2) If White plays 4.d4
08:09 Counterattacking White aggressively
13:00 2.2) If White plays 5.exf5
14:50 2.3) If White plays 5.Nxd4
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