Best Beginner Chess Opening After 1.e4 (Aggressive & Universal)

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🔹 Goring Gambit chess opening –

♛ Find the Goring Gambit variations shown in the video in this blog-post –

In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov shares with you the best chess opening for White after 1.e4 which is suitable for beginners; it works especially well below the 1600 ELO rating level. It is both aggressive and universal.

It is the Goring Gambit from the Scotch Game which occurs after the following moves: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 exd4 4.c3. White sacrifices a pawn for rapid development and a quick attack against the Black king, especially targeting the f7-pawn.

This opening is ideal for beginners because most players at that level know nothing about this opening variation. By learning this aggressive gambit opening, you will be way ahead of most of your opponents.

► Chapters

00:00 Best Chess Opening for Beginners (Below 1600 ELO Rating)
00:21 Scotch Game: Goring Gambit
01:44 Main idea of the Goring Gambit
02:30 1) If Black plays 5…d6
03:13 1.1) Black’s mistake 6…Bg4 pin
05:27 1.2) If Black plays 6…Be6
08:41 1.3) If Black plays 6…Nf6
10:46 2) If Black plays 5…Bb4
12:38 2.2) If Black plays 8…Ng4
13:34 2.3) Black plays 7…d6 to stop e5
14:06 2.4) if Black plays 7…Nge7

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