As you know, chess is 10% strategy & 90% tactics. In this video, Jeetendra Advani covers 24 major tactics that every chess player must know. He will show you examples of all the important moves and ideas that chess beginners must know. He will also share some checkmate patterns and tactics alongwith some sacrifice tactics. If you are new to chess, then you should first check out his ‘How to Play Chess’ video here:
This video covers all the rules of chess.
Chess Tactics Video Timestamps:
0:04 Chess Strategy vs Tactics
0:32 Fork
1:16 Pins
1:39 Absolute pins
1:52 Relative pins
2:14 Skewer
2:47 Discovered Attack
3:13 Discovered check
3:31 Discovered double check
4:00 Windmill
4:30 Interference
4:58 Overloading
5:35 Deflecting
6:08 Decoy
7:13 X-Ray Attack
8:07 Zugzwang
8:39 Zwischenzug or Desperado
9:13 Undermining
9:38 Forcing a Stalemate
10:14 Perpetual Checks
10:56 Underpromoting
11:36 Queen Sacrifice
12:04 Exchange Sacrifice
12:25 Clearance Sacrifice
13:06 Exposing Hanging Pieces
13:33 Trapping a Piece
14:05 Support Mate
14:23 Smothered Mate
15:02 Back-rank Mate
15:26 Chess Puzzle
At the end of this video is an interesting chess puzzle to test your understanding of these tactics. Let’s see if you can solve that.
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#ChessTalk #JeetendraAdvani
On the “smothered mate” tactic, why wouldn’t you force it sooner with queen to G8 and then night to F7?
First queen take f6 then pawn take f6 then night goes to e7 fork king night after king moves g7 knight takes queen & had a position and material advantage
Best tutorial of chess,
I have learned so much and win more games using this channel,
Diamond channel
Queen takes bishop,then check, fork the king and queen
In this situation we move queen F6 and takes bishop, if he takes queen by a pawn…then we move knight E7 and give a royal fork to him and after this move "His Sweety is gone"😜
Queen sacrifice and fork attack by knight
Queen takes bishop, pawn takes queen, knight royal forks them.
Chess puzzle answer, White first captures Black's bishop on f6 and then after pawn captures, Knight does fork on e7 and wins queen back.
2 chess tactics used here are undermining and fork.
1. Qxf6! gxf6
2. He7+ 1-0
THE ACCENT 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩
Qxf6, or queen takes the bishop. If pawn takes back, knight forks the queen and the king with Ne7.
Bro I have a chess tournament in my school this Monday so I'm counting on this video since I only learned how to play chess today
First white horse check the black king and at the same time black queen. Then king move.. So the horse kill the black queen then….horse killed the bishop.. Then soldier killed horse then white queen kill one by one soldier
1)Qxf6 gxf6 2)Ne7+ 3)(King move) Nxd5
im a kid and im really bad at chess but you helped me so much now im able to checkmate my friend in 4 moves
1:29 1:31
Kill the bishop with queen , pawn takes then Royal fork
1. Qxf6 gxf6 2. Ne7+ The queen is gone but are queen is also gone at least we are winning a bisup and a pawn is enough to win a gam
i did not remembered the name of tactic but i can tell best move by my understanding of tactics the best move can be
knight to e7
as the king saves himself you can take the queen
Queen b6 to f6( takes the bishop ),the pawn g7 to f6 (takes the queen), the knight f5 to e7 ( the king is in check ), the king saves from the check and the knight captures the black 's queen. Here the whight have some advantages to wine.
Qxf6 gxf6
The problem I don’t know what the enemy’s move gonna be if I move😢
I love how you say FORK
Board ke upar like Kar butane se samajhane me kathinai hoti hai
OVERLOADING wouldn't win the game because Black's queen could move to the white box and kill White's queen preventing a Checkmate
knight to d6, queen to b8 king check, black king to h7, knight to f7 takes black pawn then queen to h8 checkmate
I think queen takes bishop at f6 is the best move, because is black recapture with the pawn, knight to e7 is a fork, so black will be down by a knight.
bro pls explin in hindi
QUeen to f6 pawn takenq f6 then knight e7 fork
Knight to e7 after sacrificing white queen.
I used to call Knight a HORSE 😂
qxf6 pxf6 n e7 k f8 nxd5
i am expert in back rank mate but i saw your video and became GM in back rank mate
chess puzzle tactic fork i think or any sacrifice
Knight to e7
Imma learn all of this
14:33 you can actually straight away move the queen to g8, and when black takes with rook knight to g7 is a checkmate
Firstly the Queen will take the vishap and Then black pawn will take it and at last with check and Queen in danger will lead to an piece advantage
I solved it
QXf6 gXF6
Ne7+ forking k &q
Qxf6 to remove defender
Ne7 forks the king and the queen
Solution of the puzzle given in the end of this video:
1) white’s Queen captures the black’s Bishop at f6 square which was supporting e7 a beautiful square for forking black’s king and queen.
2) black’s g7 pawn is forced to capture white’s queen at f6 square.
3) white’s Knight forks black’s King and Queen by jumping at e7 square.
4) black’s King is forced to move at f8 square.
5) white’s Knight simply captures the vulnerable Queen which was simultaneously attacked by the white’s Knight.
Finally white is in favorable position after the exchanges of both side Queens.
But what if black doesn’t captures white’s Queen and tries to move his/her Queen to a safe square or goes for giving check to white’s king instead?
Bd8 (Pin)
Ne7+(Fork of King and Queen)
Qxf6 xf6
Chess Tactics Timestamps:
0:04 Chess Strategy vs Tactics
0:32 Fork
1:16 Pins
1:39 Absolute pins
1:52 Relative pins
2:14 Skewer
2:47 Discovered Attack
3:13 Discovered check
3:31 Discovered double check
4:00 Windmill
4:30 Interference
4:58 Overloading
5:35 Deflecting
6:08 Decoy
7:13 X-Ray Attack
8:07 Zugzwang
8:39 Zwischenzug or Desperado
9:13 Undermining
9:38 Forcing a Stalemate
10:14 Perpetual Checks
10:56 Underpromoting
11:36 Queen Sacrifice
12:04 Exchange Sacrifice
12:25 Clearance Sacrifice
13:06 Exposing Hanging Pieces
13:33 Trapping a Piece
14:05 Support Mate
14:23 Smothered Mate
15:02 Back-rank Mate
15:26 Chess Puzzle
Don't forget to share the tactics in the puzzle 🙂