73% Win Rate Gambit Opening for White After 1.e4 😱

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In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov shares with you the most successful chess opening gambit for White after 1.e4. It is the Haxo Gambit from the Scotch Game which has a massive win rate of 73% in the most played line.

It happens after the opening moves: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 exd4 4.Bc4. This prioritizes quick development of your pieces and a powerful attack against the Black’s king. The crazy thing about this gambit is that the most natural looking moves by Black are losing badly!

β–Ί Chapters

00:00 Most Successful Chess Opening for White
00:13 The Haxo Gambit, Scotch Gambit Opening
01:15 1) Most played line 4…Bc5
03:14 73% Win Rate for White
05:25 If Black plays 5…Nf6 instead of 5…dxc3
08:22 2) If Black plays 4…h6
10:40 3) If Black plays 4…Nf6
14:19 4) Black’s correct response

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  1. Great & instructive lesson as always GM Igor love your energy and passion for teaching

  2. I tried the Haxo gambit, however after d4, my opponent refused to take and went d6.I continued with Bc4 then they countered with Be6 which blocked my main attack. I decided to try fork by pushing to d5. After exchange of knight, pawn, pawn I was left with a knight that was pinning my queen but blundered… so with all that said, I'd love to see a video on various ways black could decline to take your d4 and how to handle it. I do like the idea of this gambit.

  3. The first time i tried this I hung my horse on move 4 and proceeded to lose because i messed up move order lmao.

  4. β–Ί Chapters

    00:00 Most Successful Chess Opening for White

    00:13 The Haxo Gambit, Scotch Gambit Opening

    01:15 1) Most played line 4…Bc5

    03:14 73% Win Rate for White

    05:25 If Black plays 5…Nf6 instead of 5…dxc3

    08:22 2) If Black plays 4…h6

    10:40 3) If Black plays 4…Nf6

    14:19 4) Black's correct response

  5. "fried liver on steroids" lmao. Lovely stuff.

  6. Sir please cover a video about scotch game by black pieces.

  7. Thank you I finally reached 1200 Elo all cause of your content

  8. How to play with and against an opening please reply πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ for example as black I play caro kann against e4 but when I play e4 opponent also sometimes play Caro kann

  9. Only e4e5 but e4e6 not this game. Or 1.e4e5 2.Nf3Nc3 3.d4d6πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

  10. Wow! Thanks again Igor for thi soo great Haxo-Gambit, perfect for an Italianplayer like me! πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘β™Ÿ

  11. Nice video like always πŸ™Œ

  12. So the Fried Liver on Steroid from the Haxo is like a Lolli Attack, but the move orders prevent Black from playing the Polerio Defense.

  13. Doesn’t Bb4 check, instead of Bc5 protect the pawn, just wreck white?

  14. As a 1800 player i still dont know how to counter this

  15. Awesome content! I love this. Thanks for the insightful, logical approach to the explanation!

  16. Thank you for this. I usually live on the unhealthy diet of fried liver or Italian with Danish gambit as dessert. Now I'll try the fried liver on steroids and how it tastes.

  17. These 19th century ideas are ideal for 5 min or less.

  18. I am 1750 on lichess and i used to play the haxo gambit a lot back when i had juts begun.

    I always had great positions with this gambit. The best part is thst this gambit is so easy to understand, no heavy theory or anything. All the moves for white are almost logical and chances to blunder are low.

    I learnt it on my own, i never even knew that this gambit existed. It was only when i opened the analysis i realized this is a gambit.

    I used to play it in a bit of a spahgetti way, mixing up moves but it was always a strong position.

  19. I play against this a lot(as black) & I don't face any problems now. This line is very easy for me. Also the first position idea of bishop sac is also there in Evans GAMBIT which only you taught me. ❀

  20. This video was one of your worst. Too many bad moves for black. First part – simply Scotch Gambit for white, with 4…Bc5. Anyone decent plays 4…Nf6. And the line vs 4…Nf6, 5. Ng5, fairly easy to face as compared to 5. e5. The real fried liver on steroids is the Lolli attack.

  21. I play this a lot and sometimes get qe7 after I play bc4. What do I do then?

  22. Hey Igor! I actually noticed something. On 9:50 it's still a good idea to Qh5+ simply because the king has nowhere to go except black squares, so when you do actually take the bishop you check him again and it's your move as opposed to black's move, even though you're in the same "final" position!

  23. this is amazing. Π”ΡΠΊΡƒΡŽ!

  24. Isn't this just the Scotch Gambit? What's the difference between the Haxo Gambit and the Scotch Gambit?

  25. I'm literally a beginner 1000 elo. Love your channel. This video is awesome, will be using this.

  26. I mostly play this gambit, but the moves in chapter 3 never came to my mind. Awesome, thank you Igor!

  27. Very good haxo gambit thank you to share this Igor it lack to me,some move,now my attack gonna do more great damage.I have a request can you give the trick to obtain the greek gift,i realize three time but it not always easy to do maybe you know some trick to obtain this more easily for example with a particular opening with white and with black also thank you!

  28. Nothing new here lmao! Scotch gambit wow if black knows theory this is nonsense! "Haxo gambit" lmao πŸ˜‚

  29. I watch most of your videos and I actually won our chess competition!! Thank you GM Igor Smirnov

  30. I am trying to get this one, it is like a Scotch, and then a little bit of a Evans into a
    Dutch and then into a Jerome Gambit. I get the idea kinda. I am going to keep trying to get this one in a game.

  31. Really amazing Gambit, but I'm looking for a similar effective opening or Gambit for black. Thank you GM❀

  32. Lol I watched the first 5 min and went and played a game got someone to play into it kind of and won

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