5 Best Chess Opening Traps for White After 1.e4

Learn the 5 Best Chess Opening Traps for White After 1.e4

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In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov will share with you the 5 best chess opening traps for White after 1.e4. He will also show you how to not get trapped if you’re playing Black. The traps have the main idea of playing the White bishop on c4, targeting the f7-square; so most of these traps are from the Italian Game (Giuoco Piano) and the Bishop’s Opening.

A good thing about these traps are that they happen in the most-commonly played moves by Black, and they all seem natural moves. Only precise play from Black can save them, which means you’ve more chances to beat your opponents!

► Chapters

00:00 Opening Traps for White After 1.e4
00:13 Trap-1: Italian Game 5.d3
02:15 ELO 2400+ fall for this trap!
02:34 Trap-2: Italian Game 3…h6
04:41 Trap-3: Bishop’s Opening
05:15 Costly pre-move, Scholar’s Mate!
07:24 Trap-4: Italian Game (Giuoco Piano) 4.c3
11:17 Can you find the mate in 3?
11:42 Trap-5: Italian Game (Giuoco Piano) 7.Bd2
14:08 Attack the exposed king
15:04 What is your chess goal for 2022?

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#GMSmirnov #ChessTraps #OpeningTraps


  1. ► Chapters

    00:00 Opening Traps for White After 1.e4

    00:13 Trap-1: Italian Game 5.d3

    02:15 ELO 2400+ fall for this trap!

    02:34 Trap-2: Italian Game 3…h6

    04:41 Trap-3: Bishop's Opening

    05:15 Costly pre-move, Scholar's Mate!

    07:24 Trap-4: Italian Game (Giuoco Piano) 4.c3

    11:17 Can you find the mate in 3?

    11:42 Trap-5: Italian Game (Giuoco Piano) 7.Bd2

    14:08 Attack the exposed king

    15:04 What is your chess goal for 2022?

  2. Finally we can see you!
    This is much better and I expect it will bring a lot more views 🙂

  3. Currently 525, my goal is to get somewhere near to four figures.

  4. now we can see clearly. THANKS FOR THE ENLIGHTENMENT ❤😎

  5. My chess goal is to reach 1900 on bullet in 2022

  6. Thanks for all your help. You have a great way of presenting things. Happy New Year 🙂

  7. knight F5 for the lulz. If capture with rook then mate, if attacking queen with pawn C6 i move qeueen to H5 threatening double check and mate with knight to D6. Probably not the desired solution but I find it to be a safe line to play.

  8. The answer is Be2. Preparing to take the pawn on h5 for the checkmate.

  9. I watch trap videos almost every day but still remember nothing mid-game.

  10. Be2 and after that whatever black moves is mate in 2 : B:h5 check and Q:f7 checkmate

  11. Hello sir thanks for another good video please make video on best line against caro kann defense because it used many times against me and I not able to beat it.

  12. But what I really want to know is who would win the match between Igor's cat and Agadmator's dog.

    Stockfish did find a mate in 7

  14. Thanks for making another great video now I just wish I could remember these lines when I play 🙁

  15. I'd like to become a better player, and not fall into so many traps, but at 74 years of age you can't teach n old dog new tricks LOL.

  16. I'm really waiting for the answer… Excellent trap Thankyou

  17. Question on 9:36 what do you do if pawn takes on d6 instead of bishop takes on d6?

  18. At 11:30,white need to play like this for mate in 3: bishop at e2,after bishop at h5 check and after rook at f7,queen takes at f7 checkmate

  19. I love it! "Well, what can Black do about that? Not much really…" You're among the best in the world, Sir Smirnoff, and one fine chess instructor.

  20. 0:13 5 d3 is a good move. It isn't so much a White trap as White punishing Black for the blunder 5 … d5.

  21. 2:40 This isn't so much a White trap as White punishing Black for 3 … h6, which is a blunder because it's slow, as you said. (It isn't a bad move as such; indeed it did the good job of stopping 8 Bg5+.)

  22. White to play: Nf7 (attacking the queen), Rxf7, then Qxf7#

  23. Nf6 in a scholars mate is only 90% win rate? what? xD

  24. Could you please make a video on 9. …Bxc3 ?

  25. 4th answer: Nxd7. If one of his pieces take my knight, then Qxh5, Rf7, Qxf7 is checkmate. If he plays Nxc4, then Qe4 threatens forced mate.

  26. Nc6 hitting the queen and threatening mate if dxN then 2)Qxh5ch Kd7 3)Rad1ch Bd6 4) Qf5 mate

  27. Very good trap. May I suggest you make the notations of the moves so kids will benefit more from the presentations.

  28. Initially, I was thinking knight to g6, attacking the rook and double attacking the pinned bishop. Now, for rook to f7/h8, queen takes with mate. And, if rook to h8, then knight takes and queen to f7/h8 will be mate unless black plays d6 before that. However, I don't see a good way to proceed after Nf6 Rh8, Nxh8 d6. Maybe one of the rooks to d1, but the moves aren't forced now.
    Also, I was thinking that if he doesn't move his rook but plays something else, then knight takes rook, king takes knight (even this move isn't necessary), and queen to f7 might be mate, but that doesn't happen if knight takes my bishop before this.
    In short, I've found a mate for some cases but not all

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